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Announcing the RiffTrax Sync App!
It's magic! Think of it like Shazam, but for riffs!
Your RiffTrax "Just the Jokes" commentaries will now be synced automatically! Available for Android and iOS.
Click here for a list of all 131 app enabled titles!
RiffTrax has a free app which will AUTOMATICALLY sync your "Just the Jokes" commentaries with movies like Twilight, Harry Potter and Star Wars! Just hit play on your phone or tablet and the app listens for the movie and automatically syncs everything, and keeps it synced. It will work with Netflix, iTunes, Amazon Video, DVDs, Blu-rays, your TV, computer, and other streams.
Every compatible RiffTrax you buy on the website is available on the app and vice-versa. If you've have a bunch you've bought over the years, you can use the App to sync them!
We’ve been waiting for this type of technology for nearly a decade and it’s finally here. Oh, and did we mention the app is completely FREE?? Check it out and start watching riffs the easy way!
See it in action!
Mike, Kevin, Bill, DisembAudio (ret) and the RiffTrax Crew
What users are saying:
"Rifftrax [Sync] app takes the guesswork out of syncing jokes to film. It's easier than ever to sync MST3K-like commentary. The app uses your device's microphone to listen for a movie and automatically syncs Rifftrax playback to the film. It's simple and easy..." - Engadget
"The RiffTrax [Sync] app syncs everything up perfectly.” - CNET
"The [Sync] app can recognize movies from Netflix, iTunes, Amazon Video, DVDs, Blu-rays, your TV, computer, and other streams." - High-Def Digest
The @RiffTrax app that auto syncs is the greatest invention in human history
— Scott Hilliard (@MehBot_Scott) May 12, 2017
See the RiffTrax Sync app in action!
Click the arrow above for more info.
What can I watch?
Right now, we have about 95% of our core RiffTrax titles (featuring Mike, Kevin and Bill) compatible with the app. No RiffTrax Presents titles are yet available through it, but we hope to have them ready soon! The available compatible riffs will have app store badges/buttons on the product page (like the ones seen above).
The app will sync with the DVD, Blu-ray or even streaming video versions of the movie (such as what is available on Amazon Video and iTunes). Note that sometimes streamers can put up a weird version, or a wrongly encoded one, of a movie which can lead to sync issues. We can't ALWAYS guarantee that sync will work with a streaming version for that reason.
Can I use a Bluetooth speaker?
Yes! As of version 2.8, the RiffTrax Sync app supports Bluetooth earphones and speakers. We've had great success using AirPods Pro in "Transparency" Mode, as well as with BT speakers like Amazon Echo and Sonos Roam. Note that there may be a slight lag due to the wireless connection; you may need to adjust the sync using the Sync Offset button. Please use the "Contact Us" feature in the app and tap "Report a Problem" if you have any trouble!
Will the app connect to my Library?
Yes! The iOS and Android versions connect to your Library. Tons of titles are available! Unfortunately, Facebook login is not yet supported but will be added in a future version.
Does it play VODs?
No, this app is to sync "Just the Jokes" audio commentaries only! We are working on a new app called "RiffTrax" that will be for video content.
How long does syncing take?
On average, syncing takes about 10 seconds, sometimes up to 30 seconds, once dialogue is heard. For best results, try to sync with a part of the film that has dialogue and sound effects. Extended musical sections are difficult or impossible for the app to sync with.
Does it matter whether I buy a title in the App or on the RiffTrax website?
Nope. Buy in either place and it automatically shows up in your library in the other. Wizardry!
More questions?
- Facebook login is not supported
- This app is not for watching video content (RiffTrax Movies and Shorts). A New RiffTrax app is coming soon!
- Sound via Bluetooth lags; if using external speakers, use the offset slider to adjust timing.
Talk about the app in the comments!