It's time for our...

School - or "skewl," if you've been living in the Internet's basement. It's the place kids go to stare into a talking mirror to discover whether they're all the same, or whether each child is different, and to find who in their class will be voted "Most Likely to Become Norman Krasner".

To celebrate the advent of another school year, we're taking 15% off all of our titles (excluding the MST3K Reunion Show pre-order). Just enter the coupon code LEARN at Checkout! To get you started, we've hand-picked some of our favorite scholarly riffs below!

This deal ends Sunday night at midnight Pacific.

Before you even get to school, your teachers are busy setting up the classroom in preparation for the arrival of dozens of unique students. Don't believe us? Watch this educational short about two teachers literally doing this very thing, in minute detail.

Oh sure, the fancy students got to ride in their fancy buses, but the real cool kids walked to school. And if our parents taught us anything, it's that they walked uphill in both directions in thirty feet of snow! But if you're a kid living during the Cold War, chances are you watched a short about your treacherous journey just like this one.

Poster art by Jason Martian
Poster art by Jason Martian

Lunch period! The best part of the day, unless of course you were buying other kids' lunches. Ever wonder what the proper etiquette is for standing in the lunch line? Of course not! But let this creepy puppet named Mr. Bungle demonstrate.

Poster art by <a rel="_blank" href="">Jason Martian</a>
Poster art by Jason Martian

Good news, everyone! We're taking you out of class early for a special presentation. No, it's not movie day in the auditorium - for your enjoyment, we've brought you a talking mirror, and it's here to force you to examine the empty void that is our cold and uncaring universe. But at least there's clowns!

After that final bell rings and you've rushed out the door with your backpack flailing wildly, the janitors' jobs are just beginning. And while you may think scrubbing a toilet is a boring, tedious task of no real world value, this short - like some of the others on this page - will provide you with such a thorough examination of these unsung heroes that perhaps you'll find yourself wanting to scrub your own toilet!

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