Hijacked: Flight 285

Here’s the good news: Hijacked: Flight 285 will still make sense even if you haven’t seen any of the previous 284 movies in the Hijacked: Flight series.

The bad news? The series has experienced a sharp decline ever since Hijacked: Flight 92 - What Do You Mean You’re Out of Ginger Ale, No, Diet is Certainly NOT OKAY.

Made for network TV in the mid-90s (a fact that will come as no surprise once you see that the dad from "Family Ties" gets second billing), Hijacked is a good example of the commercial-interrupted delights that awaited people who were fans of crap but too cheap to buy a ticket to Dante’s Peak

The all-star cast will leave you full of questions: Will James Brolin ever leave the cockpit? (No.) Can noted dweeb Anthony Michael Hall pull off a convincing terrorist? (No.) Where do I recognize that one guy from? (Police Academy.) Ha! No, I’ve certainly never seen a Police Academy movie... (You don’t have to lie to us. It was the 80s. We were all dumber.)

Join Mike, Kevin, and Bill for a flight that is extremely full… of laughs!


Written by: Mike Nelson, Conor Lastowka and Sean Thomason

Contributing writers: Jason Miller and Zach Shatzer

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Poster art by Jason Martian
Poster art by Jason Martian

RiffMeter rating

Average: 9.1 (156 votes)

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Release date

February 20, 2020


76 minutes
Closed Captions
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