Buyer beware!
The riffs you see before you are rejects! Cast-offs! Misfits! Spurned jokes all, that were deemed not good enough for the 2009 RiffTrax Live Christmas Show (and maybe one or two that somehow managed to slip past the watchful eye of RiffTrax's stringent Quality Assurance Gestapo.)
They've been banished to this remote, snowbound isle, where they've languished, lonely and abandoned, ever since. Will you be the one to finally take them into your home and give them the love and care they so desperately crave? Or will you just break their tender, little hearts again?
...Aw, come on, mister! It's Christmas!
For one low price, you get these four-count-'em-four slightly irregular, very gently used shorts:
- The Night Before Christmas
- Christmas Dream
- Christmas Rhapsody
- Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
- And a super-secret exclusive bonus! Woo!
I never thought these were such bad little riffs. They're not bad at all, really. Maybe they just need a little love.