Make Mine Freedom

This product is part of iRiffs - fan-made commentary tracks.

Make Mine Freedom

In a world filled with tea parties crazy enough to put out the mad hatter, Russian spies that rub elbows with Paris Hilton and Glenn Beck we look to a simpler time: a time when all we had to fear were the Russian commie rats trying to poison the water supply and no amount of turtles covering and or ducking could save us all from nuclear annihilation.


Make Mine Freedom is all about a town filled with 3 foot tall cartoon stereotypes as they weigh the pros and cons of embracing the devil's new government and just when is America supposed to get it's shiny new straw hat?


A special appearance by a Disney character gone mad with power.

iRiff file formats

NTSC (25.11 MB)

An iRiff by:

Introverted Magical Emporium
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