Lancelot: Guardian of Time

What brave knight doth crest yon hill of Camelot? Why, ‘tis Marc Singer, the veritable Beastmaster himself! But instead of ferrets and mice he bears skateboards, Oakleys, and slap bracelets… forsooth, he has gone totally '90s for Lancelot: Guardian of Time!

What if Sir Lancelot wound up in the world of today? I mean, like, can you even imagine?? Yeah, you probably can, if you saw Encino Man, or even just the trailer for Encino Man. But Lancelot: Guardian of Time has so much more going on. Like John Saxon as Wolvencroft, the extremely non-canonical sorcerer who controls time and also curates a chintzy museum exhibit in the 1990s. And Babylon 5’s Claudia Christian as an author who’s tired of all this feminism business and just wants to meet a good old-fashioned chivalrous man! Be careful what you wish for, Claudia, you might wind up with a medieval knight possessing a mullet beyond compare.

Lancelot and Wolvencroft are in a race to find young Arthur, still a squire, who is lost somewhere deep in the '90s. The movie makes the bold choice to take away any dignity or intelligence King Arthur had, and leave him as a confused silent stooge who steals hot dogs from volleyball players in the park. All hail the Once and Future Dweeb. No wonder Lancelot winds up stealing his girl (spoiler for Le Morte D’Arthur from the fifteenth century, sorry!),

Pull the “Sword of Glomus” from the stone (not Excalibur, this movie couldn’t afford Excalibur) and join Mike, Kevin and Bill for the family-friendly fantasy adventure of Lancelot: Guardian of Time!

Written by: Mike Nelson, Conor Lastowka, Sean Thomason, Jason Miller, and Zach Shatzer

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Poster art by Len Peralta
Poster art by Len Peralta

RiffMeter rating

Average: 8.9 (47 votes)

Content Rating

TVPG Rating: TV-PG-V
Photosensitivity warning


Movie Decade

Riffed By

Release date

September 27, 2024


77 minutes
Closed Captions
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