Buying Food

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Buying food - how hard can it be? You go to a store pick out a few items, and start mashing them into the side of your head, right? WRONG! That's a common misconception, but as Buying Food clearly demonstrates, buying food is a very, very dangerous and complicated affair, fraught with hazard, the path to success Byzantine and arduous. To even attempt it without instruction is to court heartbreak and, most likely, violent death. Lucky for all of us there is Buying Food. Kevin, Mike, and Bill take it very seriously.

See the rest of our Centron shorts here.

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Commentary (mp3) (3.45 MB)
Source Audio (18 MB)

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For our Download and Stream products, you can stream the product to your computer or to your TV via Chromecast, or download to a device that can play the MP4 file format. For more information on our video formats, please see this KB article.

Just the Jokes are simply MP3 files which are DRM free and can be enjoyed on any device that can play this common audio format.

Poster art by Jason Martian
Poster art by Jason Martian

RiffMeter rating

Average: 9.4 (265 votes)

Content Rating



Release date

July 10, 2008


11 minutes