Christmas Comes But Once a Year (1936)

This product is part of iRiffs - fan-made commentary tracks.

Christmas Comes But Once a Year (1936)

Finally, a Christmas tale that doesn't get all bogged down with that whole "True Spirit of Christmas" mishmash.  A bunch of physically-identical orphans wake up on Christmas morning, completely unconcerned with their lack of parents or even food.  No, what does them in is finding out that their Christmas loot is subpar.  Not to worry!  Thanks to the lack of privacy laws in the 1930s, an eccentric old man discovers their plight and decides to get them some toys.  The kids are left on their own to find food and adult supervision. 

Christmas Comes But Once a Year is being offered as a video iRiff, so there's no need to hunt down a $2 DVD at the dollar store to enjoy this vintage goodness!

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Podcast: iTunes / RSS


iRiff file formats

AVI (88.6 MB)
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