Just Andrew - "Lost City - chapter 3" Short

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Just Andrew - "Lost City - chapter 3" Short

Re-enter the Lost City in this, the third, and far from final, chapter in the saga. This week, Bruce and Jerry run, Doctor Manyus uses a gadget, Natcha frets, Apollyn rubs, and Zolok administrates. Or was that last week? Anyway... THRILL with adventure! SEE the obscene power of the freezing gun! WITNESS giant zombie slaves battling to the death! BARF as Jerry gropes Natcha like teenagers at the mall! HAM SANDWICH as the "good" good guys help Natcha escape and the "bad" good guys help Manyus escape, only to fall into the hands of a cannibalistic tribe! WATCH with "Just Andrew"!!

CONTAINS both the audio and VIDEO track, skillFULLY merged FOR YOUR coNvenIeNce!

Check back next week for a new chapter of "Lost City" and don't forget to check out the first two chapters, available now!

iRiff file formats

h264 (115.22 MB)
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