
This product is part of iRiffs - fan-made commentary tracks.


In 1992, Virginia Madsen, Tony Todd, and Xander Berkeley combined to make a film that dared you to say Candyman's name 5 times in a row!  If you did, chances are you'd be torn asunder!  Well, we here at 3 Hot Riff double dog dare you to watch this movie unriffed 5 times in a row!  Do that, and chances are you'll be bored aslumber!

But starting now, you won't have to!  Join Vanelle, Jodi Essex, and Bethany Liles as they riff their first feature film, Candyman.  Come for the candy and stay for the horrific and plenty bathroom scenes!  That's hawt!

Act now and we'll throw in a downloadable video of our best recording bloopers for no extra charge!  You could say it's free eye candy!  Ha ha ha.

PS. Thanks to Piobman for our hawt cover!

iRiff file formats

MPEG4 (50.09 MB)
NTSC (35.86 MB)
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