Big Bunch of Doug Shorts - Soapy the Germ Fighter

This product is part of iRiffs - fan-made commentary tracks.

Big Bunch of Doug Shorts - Soapy the Germ Fighter

Once in a great while, a man comes along to terrify children in their sleep.  He makes everything slippery as Helena, Wyoming.  He shoots at people with imaginary guns.  He is:  SOAPY: THE GERM FIGHTER.  Who can resist his siren song of immortality through clean living?  Certainly not the little boys he seems to constantly pester.  And what of the female narrator?!  What!?!

Join the Orwellian Nightmare Society’s Doug as he takes on this little tale of child endangerment.

This is a VOD presentation.  It contains the short and the riff pre-synced.

iRiff file formats

MPEG4 (43.15 MB)
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