Atomic Treatment: Tippy The Town Dog

This product is part of iRiffs - fan-made commentary tracks.

Atomic Treatment: Tippy The Town Dog

Jimmy wants a dog more than anything and likes to visit Mr Black's house to see his pet dog Tippy every day after school. Mr. Black's motives seeme pretty suspect but hey this is the fifties and no reason to think this bachelor means anything but friendship to a lonely dim-witted preteen who comes to his house daily and lets himself into the house with the familiarity of a maid. 

As for Tippy, it's a Ferris Bueller style romp around Tarzana or Ojai or whatever miserable suburb this is.  Only .75!  It may only be about nine minutes long but it will feel oh so much longer. 

Remember feedback and ratings!

* NOTE this file was replaced on 10/9/09 with a smaller, better quality file.  If you downloaded prior to that you can go back to your purchased riffs files and the new updated one should be in your list of purchased riffs.

iRiff file formats

mpeg4 (88.7 MB)

An iRiff by:

Atomic Treatment
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