Corny Commentaries: How Quiet Helps At School

This product is part of iRiffs - fan-made commentary tracks.

Corny Commentaries: How Quiet Helps At School

"How Quiet Helps at School"  

In this heartwarming tale of "Quiet" the school janitor, we are treated to an emotional roller coas--oh sorry--wrong film. Straight from the formerly classified files of government educational films, "How Quiet Helps at School" teaches children why it's way more "fun" to tiptoe through the classroom and whisper like zombie children liquored up on liberal doses of cough medicine than it is to be an actual child. When breaking the tip of your pencil is far too distracting for the other noise-impaired kids, hilarity ensues as these future robots learn why silence is golden and how they'll all be millionaires before this work of art is finished. NOW HOLD IT DOWN AND WATCH, WILL YA!


New file coming soon - 3-riffer edition! Until then, enjoy the solo riff :-D

iRiff file formats

MPEG4 (91.6 MB)
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