Straight Up Episode 1 VOD

This product is part of iRiffs - fan-made commentary tracks.

Straight Up Episode 1 VOD

This is Straight Up episode 1.  Some of us were forced to watch this crap in school.  If you thought Reefer Madness was funny you'll probably get a kick out of this one too.  The story's protagonist, Ben is scared to death of drugs and he just doesn't know how to convince his "friends" to be as scared as him.  They're always teasing him about his drug phobia.  "Come on Benny be a man, man!"  His phobia get's reinforced by a bath robe wearing Lou Gossett Jr. who takes him to drug land.  Armed with a head band of knowledge Ben must resist the advances of Booze and Pot.  Will Ben be able to make it through drug land and keep his fears in tact.  Come see for yourself.

I'm a solo riffer. (don't have any friends who enjoy it like I do)  I'm born and raised in North Georgia but don't hold that against me.  I have a noticeable accent but hope its not overbearing.  Hope everyone enjoys it.  If you do, let me know.

To see my other iriffs click here

iRiff file formats

mp4 (126.05 MB)

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