Atomic Treatment: Law and Social Controls

This product is part of iRiffs - fan-made commentary tracks.

Atomic Treatment: Law and Social Controls

Pop quiz: You are a teenager, emerging into adulthood and on the brink of having to make some very big changes in your life. And now it's up to you to make some big decisions that will affect you and your friends. Do you:

A. Reflect on the potential outcomes of your choices and practice self-determination;

B. Engage in a democratic forum to develop a vox pupuli to allow your community to decide their own fate, or;

C. Ask the adults for help.

Oh did I mention it's 1949?

Find out the surprising answer in this new iRiff from Coronet, "Law and Social Controls"!

Runtime: 9 minutes 39 seconds

iRiff file formats

mp4 (57.12 MB)

An iRiff by:

Atomic Treatment
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