Award-winning comedian Noah Antwiler of The Spoony Experiment teams up with the Nostalgia Chick (also an award-winning filmmaker, Lindsay Ellis) to tackle David Lynch's sci-fi masterpiece Dune! It's a movie full of oily, ugly people in rubber costumes giving intense, whispered inner monologues. It's a movie without a recognizable narrative structure! Either you love this movie like Noah does, or you'll suffer through Lindsay's personal gom jabbar (whatever that is).
It's one of the strangest sci-fi bombs out there. At least you can safely say there's nothing else quite like Dune...and there's a few good reasons for that.
For more movie, game, and TV reviews, check out The Spoony Experiment at!
(This iRiff is for the NTSC, THEATRICAL VERSION of Dune. It is an mp3 iRiff, meant to be played in accompaniment with the movie. I have included a PAL conversion of the file, following the directions on the Rifftrax site, but I cannot guarantee that it works.)