Big Bunch of Doug Shorts - Knights of the Highway

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Big Bunch of Doug Shorts - Knights of the Highway

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Ah, being yelled at by someone who’s hiding the fact that they’re obviously drunk. It reminds me of high school. And also, this short. Because truck drivers are apparently saints that should never, EVER be questioned, Gordon Cole from Twin Peaks “calmly” explains all the things that truck drivers expect you to do when driving at night.

Simple tips like: “Don’t disconnect your headlights while driving down the road,” “Don’t drive on table tops,” and “Don’t listen to your nagging wife when she wants you to keep going” all make perfect sense in this blockbusting tale of revenge*.

Join Doug as he weathers the harsh tones of the narrator in this VOD presentation.

*No revenge actually takes place. 

iRiff file formats

mp4 (40.17 MB)
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