How to Be Well Groomed iRiff Edition

This product is part of iRiffs - fan-made commentary tracks.

How to Be Well Groomed iRiff Edition

If you were to ask Don or Sue, the protagonists in this picture, what the three most important things in life were, they'd reply: grooming, grooming, grooming. Of course, if you were to ask Don or Sue to name the the three states in the lower-48 that border the Pacific Ocean, they'd reply: grooming, grooming, grooming. This should provide viewer with at least some clues about Don and Sue's priorities. Still, mock if you like, gentle viewer. (And Larry and I do like). But if these kids had been in our last short, their cleanliness would have helped them survive the atmoic holocaust while the rest of us slovenly slackers sizzled. So laugh it up.


iRiff file formats

NTSC .mov format (57.31 MB)

An iRiff by:

Jim and Larry's Misspent Hours
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