MST3K: The Pumaman

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With a BONUS INTRODUCTION by Mike Nelson!

Do not be fooled by other pumamen. This is The Pumaman (official pronunciation "thep-yoo-MAY-muhn"), a below average guy endowed by his alien overlords with the ability to fly like a total moron in the manner of his namesake the noble flying puma.

And, as with the puma, his natural enemy is a confused, bald British man who shouts incomprehensible phrases into a mask. Thepumamen does not have to do battle alone, however; much like the puma he is aided by a giant Aztec guy with a terrible, unflattering Prince Valiant haircut.

If you are not sold yet, here is a sample of its catchy theme song: "da. da da. da da da da DA da. da. da da. da da da da DA da."*

Let Mike, Crow and Servo introduce you to the best of the many, many pumamen out there on the market.

A significant share of the profits of all MST episodes sold on RiffTrax will be paid out directly to ALL the principal cast members of MST – Mike, Joel, Kevin, Bill, Mary Jo, Trace, Frank, Josh and Bridget. We feel it’s important that the original artists benefit directly from their awesome work. So if you want to support them, buy your MST here on RiffTrax!

*repeat 300 times

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RiffMeter Rating

Average: 9.9 (96 votes)

Release Date

November 2, 2015


90 minutes


In collection

Episode: 903