Beginning Responsibility: Doing Things For Ourselves In School

Coronet’s series of Beginning Responsibility shorts must be the largest franchise in film history. It might even be infinite. Every time we watch one short another blips into existence, yet somehow the new one was still made 5 to 7 decades ago. They are a treasure, a gift that keeps on giving, but honestly, shouldn’t Responsibility have stopped Beginning and finally Begun by now?

Beginning Responsibility: Doing Things For Ourselves In School follows Steve, a classic crew-cutted Coronet protagonist finding his place in the world. Steve tries to follow the core principles of the Beginning Responsibility universe: 1) Don’t be such a pest, and 2) Stop whining about it!

Steve has a friend named Ken who is slightly more boneheaded than him, as mandated by Coronet law. Together, Steve and Ken struggle to put their boots away, wear ugly painter smocks, and generally avoid the wrath of the scolding passive-aggressive narrator who lords over us all in Beginning Responsibility: Doing Things For Ourselves In School!

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HD High (1.13 GB)

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RiffMeter rating

Average: 9 (80 votes)

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Release date

January 11, 2019


10 minutes
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