Invasion of the Bee Girls (with Matthew J. Elliott and Ian Potter)

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Imagine Invasion of the Body Snatchers crossed with The Stepford Wives. Okay, now imagine it bigger, with extra nudity and making less sense. Now add honey.

You're still a little way off imagining this extraordinary movie from the pen of Nicholas Meyer and the mind of a teenage boy. Thrill to the story of a conspiracy of wild women with bee enhanced DNA set on ruthlessly orgasming a small number of unattractive middle-aged men to death! Gasp at the nylon underpants! Weep as your brave riffers face more gratuitously exposed breasts than they've ever seen outside a STARZ mini series or outdoor music festival.

Contains nudity and a scene of simulated assault.

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Burnable SD DVD Image (3.06 GB)

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RiffMeter rating

Average: 8.1 (97 votes)

Content Rating


Sexual content

Movie Decade

Release date

January 8, 2021


86 minutes
Captions (Streaming Video)