WEBVTT FILE 1 00:00:00.734 --> 00:00:09.901 (RiffTrax Opening Theme Song) 2 00:01:14.267 --> 00:01:17.033 This movie brought to you by Japan 3 00:01:17.033 --> 00:01:19.000 Japan sorry about World War 4 00:01:19.000 --> 00:01:20.434 Two you guys here's a 5 00:01:20.434 --> 00:01:23.467 big bunch of hentai. 6 00:01:23.467 --> 00:01:24.868 [Kevin] Not just Japan 7 00:01:24.868 --> 00:01:26.267 Funky japan, 8 00:01:26.267 --> 00:01:28.501 Oooo Japan after dark 9 00:01:28.501 --> 00:01:33.901 oooh yeah!! 10 00:01:33.901 --> 00:01:35.501 [Mike] Those topless women might seem 11 00:01:35.501 --> 00:01:36.834 sexier if they weren't swimming in a 12 00:01:36.834 --> 00:01:39.534 giant pool of blood. 13 00:01:39.534 --> 00:01:44.767 * * 14 00:01:44.767 --> 00:01:45.901 [Kevin] Directed by a bikini 15 00:01:45.901 --> 00:01:51.300 top stealing monkey 16 00:01:51.300 --> 00:01:54.000 [Mike] Wait, what ok I wasn't ready 17 00:01:54.000 --> 00:01:59.701 * * 18 00:01:59.701 --> 00:02:03.067 [Bill] These pool cleaners are eccentric. 19 00:02:03.067 --> 00:02:05.868 * * 20 00:02:05.868 --> 00:02:07.133 Oh I see it's Ted Nugent's 21 00:02:07.133 --> 00:02:09.400 pool cleaning service 22 00:02:09.400 --> 00:02:15.267 * * 23 00:02:15.267 --> 00:02:16.801 [Kevin] Ah huh if I had a nipple 24 00:02:16.801 --> 00:02:17.767 for every movie 25 00:02:17.767 --> 00:02:19.133 that started with topless woman 26 00:02:19.133 --> 00:02:21.000 [Mike] Nickel, Kevin, nickel 27 00:02:21.000 --> 00:02:22.601 [kevin] That's what I said. 28 00:02:22.601 --> 00:02:25.734 * * 29 00:02:25.734 --> 00:02:26.901 (shot fires) 30 00:02:26.901 --> 00:02:29.601 [Bill] Stop shooting me Debbie, God! 31 00:02:29.601 --> 00:02:32.267 * * 32 00:02:32.267 --> 00:02:35.801 [Mike] Forced botox is a big thing 33 00:02:35.801 --> 00:02:39.734 in this Hugh Hefner worshipping dystopia. 34 00:02:39.734 --> 00:02:46.968 (horses feet clopping) 35 00:02:46.968 --> 00:02:48.901 [Bill] My mom dressed like that in the seventies 36 00:02:48.901 --> 00:02:50.934 Gun and All! 37 00:02:50.934 --> 00:02:56.334 [Mike] Wow 38 00:02:56.334 --> 00:02:57.701 [Kevin] Her pathological hatred of Ralph 39 00:02:57.701 --> 00:03:03.434 Lauren drove her to ever darker deeds 40 00:03:03.434 --> 00:03:04.667 [Mike] Are you the jerk 41 00:03:04.667 --> 00:03:09.400 who made fun of my hot pants ensemble? 42 00:03:09.400 --> 00:03:12.734 [Bill] Ah car pulling up 43 00:03:12.734 --> 00:03:13.801 this should explain 44 00:03:13.801 --> 00:03:20.200 her huh??** 45 00:03:20.200 --> 00:03:21.367 [Kevin] Okay I'm getting 46 00:03:21.367 --> 00:03:22.467 the pattern every thirty seconds 47 00:03:22.467 --> 00:03:23.234 this movie starts a new 48 00:03:23.234 --> 00:03:24.000 scene that ends with a 49 00:03:24.000 --> 00:03:24.801 bunch of discount 50 00:03:24.801 --> 00:03:26.067 Charlie's Angels showing up 51 00:03:26.067 --> 00:03:28.734 and killing everyone. 52 00:03:28.734 --> 00:03:33.767 [Mike] I've heard worse ideas 53 00:03:33.767 --> 00:03:37.834 (shot fires) 54 00:03:37.834 --> 00:03:41.767 Bill] Average afternoon for{ Wilt Chamberlain 55 00:03:41.767 --> 00:03:44.801 Mike] General film Corporation{ 56 00:03:44.801 --> 00:03:46.100 creators of proudly non- 57 00:03:46.100 --> 00:03:48.200 specific cinema. 58 00:03:48.200 --> 00:03:50.033 [Kevin] Our guarantee 59 00:03:50.033 --> 00:03:51.200 we will not limit our movies by 60 00:03:51.200 --> 00:03:56.834 committing to anything in particular 61 00:03:56.834 --> 00:03:58.200 [Bill] Wonder Women?? 62 00:03:58.200 --> 00:03:58.934 Oh boy! 63 00:03:58.934 --> 00:03:59.901 Here we go!! 64 00:03:59.901 --> 00:04:00.934 Diana the warrior 65 00:04:00.934 --> 00:04:02.334 princess of the Amazon 66 00:04:02.334 --> 00:04:04.434 Powerful and beloved superhero 67 00:04:04.434 --> 00:04:06.000 [Mike] Bill Bill Bill wait wait 68 00:04:06.000 --> 00:04:06.834 Bill] member of the justice{ 69 00:04:06.834 --> 00:04:08.067 league of America, Wielder 70 00:04:08.067 --> 00:04:09.634 of the lasso of truth! 71 00:04:09.634 --> 00:04:10.534 [Kevin] Bill no no 72 00:04:10.534 --> 00:04:12.167 [Mike] No Bill. 73 00:04:12.167 --> 00:04:13.801 [Bill] Yes? 74 00:04:13.801 --> 00:04:14.767 [Mike] the title of this movie is wonder WOMEN 75 00:04:14.767 --> 00:04:16.067 Plural. And it has a .. 76 00:04:16.067 --> 00:04:16.934 [Bill] Oh boy you mean 77 00:04:16.934 --> 00:04:18.467 there's some dimensional 78 00:04:18.467 --> 00:04:19.801 crisis where there's more than one 79 00:04:19.801 --> 00:04:21.734 wonder woman and they do battle in order to 80 00:04:21.734 --> 00:04:23.234 [Mike and Kevin) Bill! Bill! 81 00:04:23.234 --> 00:04:24.801 [Bill] Bill this movie has nothing to 82 00:04:24.801 --> 00:04:26.934 do with the superhero Wonder Woman! 83 00:04:26.934 --> 00:04:27.901 [Mike] At all!! 84 00:04:27.901 --> 00:04:29.767 [Kevin] It's just this weird 85 00:04:29.767 --> 00:04:31.734 crime caper with some sci fi thrown in 86 00:04:31.734 --> 00:04:33.501 shot in the Philippines for like uh $100 87 00:04:33.501 --> 00:04:34.834 [Bill] Oh 88 00:04:34.834 --> 00:04:38.033 Well I love Jai Alai is there 89 00:04:38.033 --> 00:04:40.133 at least Jai Alai? 90 00:04:40.133 --> 00:04:43.133 [Mike] No that was it 91 00:04:43.133 --> 00:04:46.534 * * 92 00:04:46.534 --> 00:04:52.167 * * 93 00:04:52.167 --> 00:04:53.067 [Kevin] Gun? Nice. 94 00:04:53.067 --> 00:04:57.367 Like that look 95 00:04:57.367 --> 00:04:58.868 Ah but the black gloves make it a fashion 96 00:04:58.868 --> 00:04:59.968 over statement. 97 00:04:59.968 --> 00:05:04.868 [Bill] Yeah 98 00:05:04.868 --> 00:05:07.133 [Mike] I love you Jai Alai whatever your 99 00:05:07.133 --> 00:05:14.100 stupid rules, uh ohhh 100 00:05:14.100 --> 00:05:15.467 [Bill] Oh yeah murder is 101 00:05:15.467 --> 00:05:20.567 worth it to score a sensible used car 102 00:05:20.567 --> 00:05:25.000 (shot fires) 103 00:05:25.000 --> 00:05:26.934 [Mike] Oh hire Martha 104 00:05:26.934 --> 00:05:28.868 Graham dancers to play murder victims. 105 00:05:28.868 --> 00:05:35.400 * * 106 00:05:35.400 --> 00:05:37.067 [Kevin] Ah don't run us down 107 00:05:37.067 --> 00:05:43.267 we're your audience! Ahh!! 108 00:05:43.267 --> 00:05:44.767 (brakes screech) 109 00:05:44.767 --> 00:05:46.067 [Bill] Ooo the Grey Poupon guy 110 00:05:46.067 --> 00:05:48.300 is doing alright for himself 111 00:05:48.300 --> 00:05:52.767 * * 112 00:05:52.767 --> 00:05:53.801 [Kevin] Well guys luckily 113 00:05:53.801 --> 00:05:55.734 we have constant circus music now 114 00:05:55.734 --> 00:05:57.767 so we can all go and sing 115 00:05:57.767 --> 00:06:02.667 [Bill] That is a blessing 116 00:06:02.667 --> 00:06:09.968 [Mike] RIP--tiny scuba gear. 117 00:06:09.968 --> 00:06:12.868 [Bill] It's Frank Booth's origin story 118 00:06:12.868 --> 00:06:18.167 * * 119 00:06:18.167 --> 00:06:19.901 [Kevin] mmmm hmmm down by the sea 120 00:06:19.901 --> 00:06:23.934 we throw our bodies right into the ocean and 121 00:06:23.934 --> 00:06:27.200 down they float to 122 00:06:27.200 --> 00:06:32.667 feed the fish that dwell under the sea 123 00:06:32.667 --> 00:06:33.734 Take it Mike!! 124 00:06:33.734 --> 00:06:35.534 [Mike] What? 125 00:06:35.534 --> 00:06:36.367 (tries to sing) Down by the sea that 126 00:06:36.367 --> 00:06:38.200 the fish are now eating 127 00:06:38.200 --> 00:06:40.200 your grandma it's so nice 128 00:06:40.200 --> 00:06:42.701 I didn't know the words!! 129 00:06:42.701 --> 00:06:43.667 [Kevin] No sweat. 130 00:06:43.667 --> 00:06:45.534 We're moving on 131 00:06:45.534 --> 00:06:48.300 musically baby here we go uh huh! 132 00:06:48.300 --> 00:06:50.567 [Bill] Ladies are allowed to 133 00:06:50.567 --> 00:06:53.501 wear internet douche hats?? 134 00:06:53.501 --> 00:06:57.367 (disco music plays) 135 00:06:57.367 --> 00:06:59.067 [Mike] Sudden underpants alert 136 00:06:59.067 --> 00:07:00.767 [Kevin] Hey stop throwing your 137 00:07:00.767 --> 00:07:01.801 underpants and watch the movie Mike. 138 00:07:01.801 --> 00:07:06.000 * * 139 00:07:06.000 --> 00:07:09.067 [Bill] Movie is its own rule 34 140 00:07:09.067 --> 00:07:13.634 * * 141 00:07:13.634 --> 00:07:14.334 [Mike] Hot!! 142 00:07:14.334 --> 00:07:15.467 Putting on shoes and 143 00:07:15.467 --> 00:07:16.934 adjusting various foundation garments 144 00:07:16.934 --> 00:07:23.701 in a cramped back seat action 145 00:07:23.701 --> 00:07:25.367 [Kevin] Ah they're going to a mother 146 00:07:25.367 --> 00:07:28.167 of dead kid in Jaws cosplay party 147 00:07:28.167 --> 00:07:35.200 * * 148 00:07:35.200 --> 00:07:36.667 [Mike] Blofelt's criminal lair 149 00:07:36.667 --> 00:07:38.901 or community college built in the 60s? 150 00:07:38.901 --> 00:07:40.667 Hard to say. 151 00:07:40.667 --> 00:07:41.734 [Bill] Well the presence of sexy 152 00:07:41.734 --> 00:07:42.934 armed guards would argue for 153 00:07:42.934 --> 00:07:44.000 the former but maybe 154 00:07:44.000 --> 00:07:47.968 it's like uh Bel Air Community College? 155 00:07:47.968 --> 00:07:51.767 Here you are check 156 00:07:51.767 --> 00:07:53.567 for the vital signs 157 00:07:53.567 --> 00:07:54.567 Anesthesia 158 00:07:54.567 --> 00:07:55.467 [Kevin] Oh yeah anesthesia 159 00:07:55.467 --> 00:07:57.133 would so great right now 160 00:07:57.133 --> 00:07:58.667 [Bill] Dude 161 00:07:58.667 --> 00:08:01.734 Respiration it was unsatisfactory. 162 00:08:01.734 --> 00:08:06.167 I see it irregular. 163 00:08:06.167 --> 00:08:07.200 [Mike] They do not 164 00:08:07.200 --> 00:08:10.567 mess around when giving a mani-pedi 165 00:08:10.567 --> 00:08:14.334 (indistinct) 166 00:08:14.334 --> 00:08:15.501 [Bill] Odd pallbearers but we 167 00:08:15.501 --> 00:08:19.234 had to honor grandpa's funeral wishes 168 00:08:23.434 --> 00:08:24.267 [Kevin] We should request 169 00:08:24.267 --> 00:08:28.701 pants for our next job 170 00:08:28.701 --> 00:08:31.033 (buzzing noise) 171 00:08:31.033 --> 00:08:33.367 [Mike] Nice to meet you 172 00:08:33.367 --> 00:08:38.934 (buzzing noise) 173 00:08:38.934 --> 00:08:41.501 [Bill] There are super 174 00:08:41.501 --> 00:08:42.868 kinky billionaires who pay a 175 00:08:42.868 --> 00:08:45.868 lot for this service. 176 00:08:45.868 --> 00:08:47.167 Jesus Christ 177 00:08:47.167 --> 00:08:48.667 It worked. 178 00:08:48.667 --> 00:08:49.834 Still alive? 179 00:08:49.834 --> 00:08:51.234 Of course he is. 180 00:08:51.234 --> 00:08:52.467 You don't think she can do it? 181 00:08:52.467 --> 00:08:54.133 She can do anything it. 182 00:08:54.133 --> 00:08:55.567 Do you think she'll be pleased with us? 183 00:08:55.567 --> 00:08:57.434 [Kevin]and P. S. are we in the same room? 184 00:08:57.434 --> 00:08:59.000 Yeah and everything went so 185 00:08:59.000 --> 00:09:01.634 perfect I can't believe it. 186 00:09:01.634 --> 00:09:03.067 Not quite. 187 00:09:03.067 --> 00:09:04.534 You goofed back there remember. 188 00:09:04.534 --> 00:09:05.567 [Mike] you wore two inch heels 189 00:09:05.567 --> 00:09:07.701 instead of three inch 190 00:09:07.701 --> 00:09:09.567 I always went out to kill you 191 00:09:09.567 --> 00:09:10.868 could have knocked him out! 192 00:09:10.868 --> 00:09:12.167 Get off my back. 193 00:09:12.167 --> 00:09:13.234 Now you listen to me. 194 00:09:13.234 --> 00:09:15.000 You were thirty seconds off 195 00:09:15.000 --> 00:09:16.234 your mark now the next time that 196 00:09:16.234 --> 00:09:17.100 happens to you 197 00:09:17.100 --> 00:09:18.200 [Kevin] We'll be having a 198 00:09:18.200 --> 00:09:19.634 cheaply titilating cat fight 199 00:09:19.634 --> 00:09:25.467 Congratulations. 200 00:09:25.467 --> 00:09:27.234 There's no deterioration. 201 00:09:27.234 --> 00:09:28.634 You are to be commended. 202 00:09:28.634 --> 00:09:31.100 [Bill] Our beta version of Orlando Bloom 203 00:09:31.100 --> 00:09:33.133 looks promising. 204 00:09:33.133 --> 00:09:34.334 To all of you. 205 00:09:34.334 --> 00:09:36.334 It must be a complete success 206 00:09:36.334 --> 00:09:39.234 The key to immortality. the living brains 207 00:09:39.234 --> 00:09:40.834 sustained. 208 00:09:40.834 --> 00:09:43.033 Transferred into new and foreign origins. 209 00:09:43.033 --> 00:09:44.868 I'll accept it. 210 00:09:44.868 --> 00:09:46.868 Because of my anti rejection serum 211 00:09:46.868 --> 00:09:48.234 [Bill] Anti rejection serum. 212 00:09:48.234 --> 00:09:49.100 Wow I could have used that 213 00:09:49.100 --> 00:09:52.167 for many Mensa applications 214 00:09:52.167 --> 00:09:56.133 [Kevin] It's all very nice but it 215 00:09:56.133 --> 00:10:01.200 a 727 is about to land on your heads!!! 216 00:10:01.200 --> 00:10:04.033 [Bill] (singing) Leaving for Miami Beach 217 00:10:04.033 --> 00:10:07.033 Didn't get to bed last night 218 00:10:07.033 --> 00:10:09.334 Plane was so damn noisy 219 00:10:09.334 --> 00:10:11.167 it made my ears bleed! 220 00:10:11.167 --> 00:10:14.267 Still at least it wasn't Delta! 221 00:10:14.267 --> 00:10:15.601 [Mike] Wew it took a butt 222 00:10:15.601 --> 00:10:16.968 twist at the end there 223 00:10:16.968 --> 00:10:17.901 [Bill] I abandoned rhyme 224 00:10:17.901 --> 00:10:21.033 and meter to tell truth 225 00:10:21.033 --> 00:10:24.934 (sound of plan engines) 226 00:10:24.934 --> 00:10:30.133 (sound of plane engines) 227 00:10:30.133 --> 00:10:31.367 [Kevin] We'll hire the creepiest 228 00:10:31.367 --> 00:10:32.334 cinematographer we can 229 00:10:32.334 --> 00:10:33.767 find!! 230 00:10:33.767 --> 00:10:36.133 There we go. 231 00:10:36.133 --> 00:10:43.133 (indistinct on loud speaker in airport) 232 00:10:43.133 --> 00:10:43.934 [Mike] I hope this guys 233 00:10:43.934 --> 00:10:45.801 who look kind of like 234 00:10:45.801 --> 00:10:50.033 Lee Majors convention is a success. 235 00:10:50.033 --> 00:10:51.300 [Bill] Am I wearing the hat? 236 00:10:51.300 --> 00:10:52.667 Or it the hat wearing me? 237 00:10:52.667 --> 00:10:54.968 Hmmmm. 238 00:10:54.968 --> 00:11:03.100 (indistinct) 239 00:11:03.100 --> 00:11:04.701 [Kevin] Where's the hula girls with my lei? 240 00:11:04.701 --> 00:11:06.167 [Mike] This is the Philippines sir 241 00:11:06.167 --> 00:11:09.534 here you get a fermented duck embryo 242 00:11:09.534 --> 00:11:11.801 I am the number one the fiercest 243 00:11:11.801 --> 00:11:14.067 the bravest 244 00:11:14.067 --> 00:11:16.234 Good. 245 00:11:16.234 --> 00:11:18.234 You got it. 246 00:11:18.234 --> 00:11:19.367 [Bill] My life story! Coming up after 247 00:11:19.367 --> 00:11:20.634 [Kevin] No that's not what 248 00:11:20.634 --> 00:11:22.300 No 249 00:11:22.300 --> 00:11:23.100 This is a fascinating and very 250 00:11:23.100 --> 00:11:24.067 long life story sir 251 00:11:24.067 --> 00:11:25.067 you will love it 252 00:11:25.067 --> 00:11:26.601 [Kevin] Uhhh 253 00:11:26.601 --> 00:11:28.567 It's alright 254 00:11:28.567 --> 00:11:32.801 * * 255 00:11:32.801 --> 00:11:33.801 [Mike] Like the car? 256 00:11:33.801 --> 00:11:36.234 I stole it off some puppet band! 257 00:11:36.234 --> 00:11:39.601 (indistinct) 258 00:11:39.601 --> 00:11:43.033 You been here before? 259 00:11:43.033 --> 00:11:45.667 [Bill] Ever T bone a school bus?? 260 00:11:45.667 --> 00:11:46.934 This the car! 261 00:11:46.934 --> 00:11:50.334 Very soon, watch me! 262 00:11:50.334 --> 00:11:51.734 [Mike] The intercontinental hotel. 263 00:11:51.734 --> 00:11:53.400 Come see why you were vaccinated 264 00:11:53.400 --> 00:11:56.033 before your flight here. 265 00:11:56.033 --> 00:11:57.167 Yes my friend. 266 00:11:57.167 --> 00:11:59.901 Makes me lover not a fighter! 267 00:11:59.901 --> 00:12:01.133 Love a little. 268 00:12:01.133 --> 00:12:02.567 Fight a little. 269 00:12:02.567 --> 00:12:05.901 [Kevin] Leave a penny take a penny 270 00:12:05.901 --> 00:12:11.634 * * 271 00:12:11.634 --> 00:12:12.501 [Bill] Car made entirely 272 00:12:12.501 --> 00:12:15.067 of Peter Tork's shirts. 273 00:12:15.067 --> 00:12:19.801 * * 274 00:12:19.801 --> 00:12:21.834 Thank you very much. 275 00:12:21.834 --> 00:12:26.000 [Mike] Andy Kaufman, Taxi, I get it. 276 00:12:26.000 --> 00:12:26.934 What's your name? 277 00:12:26.934 --> 00:12:31.334 Mike. 278 00:12:31.334 --> 00:12:32.467 [Kevin] Geez this this floor 279 00:12:32.467 --> 00:12:35.300 is covered in train darts 280 00:12:35.300 --> 00:12:36.434 Listen I'm looking for 281 00:12:36.434 --> 00:12:39.000 a man named Lorenzo. 282 00:12:39.000 --> 00:12:40.300 Oh you must be Mr Harbor. 283 00:12:40.300 --> 00:12:41.167 Lorenzo's expecting you. 284 00:12:41.167 --> 00:12:42.200 You bet your sweet he is. 285 00:12:42.200 --> 00:12:43.133 Where can I find him? 286 00:12:43.133 --> 00:12:45.000 Right here. 287 00:12:45.000 --> 00:12:46.033 [Bill] May I still wager my sweet ass? 288 00:12:46.033 --> 00:12:47.100 Where the hell do you get off 289 00:12:47.100 --> 00:12:49.167 snatching my passport? 290 00:12:49.167 --> 00:12:51.167 I have here a check for ten 291 00:12:51.167 --> 00:12:53.267 thousand dollars from Lloyds of London. 292 00:12:53.267 --> 00:12:54.734 [Mike] They loved your jingle, 293 00:12:54.734 --> 00:12:56.400 Made out to you. 294 00:12:56.400 --> 00:12:57.300 It should buy me five 295 00:12:57.300 --> 00:12:58.601 minutes of your time. 296 00:12:58.601 --> 00:13:02.534 Five minutes, my passport 297 00:13:02.534 --> 00:13:04.767 and the next flight to Melbourne. 298 00:13:04.767 --> 00:13:06.000 How about five minutes of a drink 299 00:13:06.000 --> 00:13:06.834 you looks as though you 300 00:13:06.834 --> 00:13:07.968 could use one. 301 00:13:07.968 --> 00:13:08.701 [Kevin] Ahhh there'd better 302 00:13:08.701 --> 00:13:11.501 be sweet asses to bet on 303 00:13:11.501 --> 00:13:16.467 * * 304 00:13:16.467 --> 00:13:18.300 [Bill] Well that experiment flopped. 305 00:13:18.300 --> 00:13:20.634 Onto cankle reductions. 306 00:13:20.634 --> 00:13:22.300 We have the optical regeneration 307 00:13:22.300 --> 00:13:23.734 for Lillian Taylor it's scheduled 308 00:13:23.734 --> 00:13:25.567 for surgery tomorrow morning. And also 309 00:13:25.567 --> 00:13:26.934 [Mike] Look out 310 00:13:26.934 --> 00:13:30.434 more eye candy for the ladies!! 311 00:13:30.434 --> 00:13:32.467 Program her against pain. 312 00:13:32.467 --> 00:13:34.167 Place her in an alpha state 313 00:13:34.167 --> 00:13:35.834 and ten and a half cycles per second. 314 00:13:35.834 --> 00:13:38.801 [Kevin] But they Pinterest til four then 315 00:13:38.801 --> 00:13:39.467 sneak out. 316 00:13:39.467 --> 00:13:41.133 Got it. 317 00:13:41.133 --> 00:13:42.901 I've received a cable of 318 00:13:42.901 --> 00:13:43.834 verification from our former 319 00:13:43.834 --> 00:13:45.234 paraplegic. 320 00:13:45.234 --> 00:13:46.767 [Mike] Have a break from my face. 321 00:13:46.767 --> 00:13:48.000 Time's up! 322 00:13:48.000 --> 00:13:51.434 The English Duke. 323 00:13:51.434 --> 00:13:52.534 Completion monies to the extent of 324 00:13:52.534 --> 00:13:53.868 three hundred thousand pounds 325 00:13:53.868 --> 00:13:55.100 sterling would be accredited to 326 00:13:55.100 --> 00:13:56.467 your Swiss account. 327 00:13:56.467 --> 00:13:57.667 As of that date. 328 00:13:57.667 --> 00:13:59.701 [Mike] Here's the place mat of authenticity 329 00:13:59.701 --> 00:14:00.534 Good. 330 00:14:00.534 --> 00:14:01.501 I'm pleased to see that 331 00:14:01.501 --> 00:14:02.501 such a handsome man is 332 00:14:02.501 --> 00:14:05.400 going to be a man again 333 00:14:05.400 --> 00:14:06.567 [Kevin] Does she mean handsome for a 334 00:14:06.567 --> 00:14:08.400 Rob Zombie regular? 335 00:14:08.400 --> 00:14:10.834 Our south American friends are 336 00:14:10.834 --> 00:14:12.734 quivelling over pennies again. 337 00:14:12.734 --> 00:14:14.868 Five hundred thousand dollars 338 00:14:14.868 --> 00:14:16.467 to be exact. 339 00:14:16.467 --> 00:14:18.901 [Bill] So fifteen million pennies 340 00:14:18.901 --> 00:14:19.968 His representative has expressed his 341 00:14:19.968 --> 00:14:21.200 employers concern over 342 00:14:21.200 --> 00:14:22.968 the nature of the donor's sex 343 00:14:22.968 --> 00:14:25.267 [Mike] Please don't say the word sex Argo. 344 00:14:25.267 --> 00:14:27.734 I would be happy to speak to his employer. 345 00:14:27.734 --> 00:14:29.634 But you can reassure him that 346 00:14:29.634 --> 00:14:31.801 never say never. 347 00:14:31.801 --> 00:14:33.901 [Kevin] And that Mr Bokowsky 348 00:14:33.901 --> 00:14:37.501 is a model organ donor 349 00:14:37.501 --> 00:14:38.434 Today's a happy day. 350 00:14:38.434 --> 00:14:39.300 And I don't want to hear of 351 00:14:39.300 --> 00:14:40.267 any more problems. 352 00:14:40.267 --> 00:14:41.767 That's what I pay you for 353 00:14:41.767 --> 00:14:43.300 I know doctor 354 00:14:43.300 --> 00:14:44.367 [Bill] His smile can 355 00:14:44.367 --> 00:14:47.501 light up an adult bookstore 356 00:14:47.501 --> 00:14:50.000 and we have one more matter to discuss. 357 00:14:50.000 --> 00:14:51.734 I think we have a problem 358 00:14:51.734 --> 00:14:55.033 [Mike] It appears to be the 70s 359 00:14:55.033 --> 00:14:56.100 Seems as though Lloyds of London 360 00:14:56.100 --> 00:14:57.267 will be obligated to pay 361 00:14:57.267 --> 00:15:00.100 an insurance policy of $500,000. 362 00:15:00.100 --> 00:15:01.667 for jai ali player? 363 00:15:01.667 --> 00:15:03.434 The world's top player. 364 00:15:03.434 --> 00:15:05.400 His salary was extraordinary. 365 00:15:05.400 --> 00:15:06.100 [Kevin] He's the Jeff 366 00:15:06.100 --> 00:15:07.467 Dunham of jai alai. 367 00:15:07.467 --> 00:15:08.901 Not much time just to 368 00:15:08.901 --> 00:15:09.934 pay off the policy with 369 00:15:09.934 --> 00:15:11.534 within 90 days. 370 00:15:11.534 --> 00:15:13.901 So they have to pay up because 371 00:15:13.901 --> 00:15:15.434 it doesn't concern us. 372 00:15:15.434 --> 00:15:16.400 That's so doctor we have 373 00:15:16.400 --> 00:15:17.701 nothing to worry about, 374 00:15:17.701 --> 00:15:20.868 [Bill] Edward's loser brother Gary James Almos 375 00:15:20.868 --> 00:15:25.234 Of some invincible force a superman.. 376 00:15:25.234 --> 00:15:26.367 According to 377 00:15:26.367 --> 00:15:28.000 his dociere he is a man that 378 00:15:28.000 --> 00:15:29.634 can be dangerous to us. 379 00:15:29.634 --> 00:15:30.367 [Mike] He's a complicated 380 00:15:30.367 --> 00:15:31.467 man no one understands 381 00:15:31.467 --> 00:15:33.467 him but his woman. 382 00:15:33.467 --> 00:15:34.300 That no one man 383 00:15:34.300 --> 00:15:35.567 is dangerous to us? 384 00:15:35.567 --> 00:15:37.267 His name is Mike Harbor. 385 00:15:37.267 --> 00:15:38.467 Four years service 386 00:15:38.467 --> 00:15:39.534 with the CIA. 387 00:15:39.534 --> 00:15:41.067 Five years with the detective 388 00:15:41.067 --> 00:15:42.467 bureau of the Los Angeles 389 00:15:42.467 --> 00:15:43.767 police department. 390 00:15:43.767 --> 00:15:45.100 [Kevin] and flow Bee test subject 391 00:15:45.100 --> 00:15:46.534 You've blown three minutes 392 00:15:46.534 --> 00:15:49.767 Forty eight hours ago a jai alai player 393 00:15:49.767 --> 00:15:52.067 Almol Julio was kidnapped right 394 00:15:52.067 --> 00:15:53.701 here in Manilla. 395 00:15:53.701 --> 00:15:55.000 And unless he's 396 00:15:55.000 --> 00:15:56.100 found alive it's going to 397 00:15:56.100 --> 00:15:58.467 cost my company half a million dollars. 398 00:15:58.467 --> 00:15:59.601 [Bill]and a buttload of 399 00:15:59.601 --> 00:16:01.767 those weird curvy paddles 400 00:16:01.767 --> 00:16:06.934 Could become a fad like skyjacking. 401 00:16:06.934 --> 00:16:08.133 And get out of hand. 402 00:16:08.133 --> 00:16:09.868 [Mike] You know fads like leisure suits or 403 00:16:09.868 --> 00:16:11.834 mail bombs. 404 00:16:11.834 --> 00:16:14.000 We need a miracle Mr Harbor a miracle. 405 00:16:14.000 --> 00:16:15.167 Miracles come high 406 00:16:15.167 --> 00:16:17.901 ten thousand dollars plus all expenses. 407 00:16:17.901 --> 00:16:18.901 [Kevin] Bear in mind the currency here 408 00:16:18.901 --> 00:16:20.133 is coconuts. 409 00:16:20.133 --> 00:16:21.834 When and if you find Julio alive. 410 00:16:21.834 --> 00:16:23.100 Yeah. 411 00:16:23.100 --> 00:16:27.701 Got a piece of paper? 412 00:16:27.701 --> 00:16:28.467 [Bill] Just make sure I get 413 00:16:28.467 --> 00:16:30.434 your eyes right here 414 00:16:30.434 --> 00:16:31.601 Okay. 415 00:16:31.601 --> 00:16:33.267 It's gonna work twenty five thousand 416 00:16:33.267 --> 00:16:34.300 win lose or draw and if I get 417 00:16:34.300 --> 00:16:36.200 uh what's his name back in one piece 418 00:16:36.200 --> 00:16:38.667 then I'll settle for 419 00:16:38.667 --> 00:16:39.334 [Mike] Someone who 420 00:16:39.334 --> 00:16:40.934 loves me for me. 421 00:16:40.934 --> 00:16:42.367 A hundred and sixty thousand? 422 00:16:42.367 --> 00:16:44.634 That's Impossible. 423 00:16:44.634 --> 00:16:45.834 My passport. 424 00:16:45.834 --> 00:16:46.868 Ten percent. 425 00:16:46.868 --> 00:16:47.767 That's impossible. 426 00:16:47.767 --> 00:16:48.634 My passport. 427 00:16:48.634 --> 00:16:50.467 Twenty percent. 428 00:16:50.467 --> 00:16:52.000 [Kevin] and the waiter's number! 429 00:16:52.000 --> 00:16:53.767 I can't go a penny higher. 430 00:16:53.767 --> 00:16:55.267 No one's asking you to it's a deal. 431 00:16:55.267 --> 00:16:56.701 Here lay it out 432 00:16:56.701 --> 00:16:59.434 [Bill] Hey! A funka delic parliament! 433 00:16:59.434 --> 00:17:05.734 * * 434 00:17:05.734 --> 00:17:07.701 [Mike] I trust the Cuban machine will be 435 00:17:07.701 --> 00:17:09.000 up and running in time 436 00:17:09.000 --> 00:17:14.667 for high tea yes? 437 00:17:14.667 --> 00:17:15.834 [Kevin] No sir you'd want to watch this 438 00:17:15.834 --> 00:17:16.767 step we had a high 439 00:17:16.767 --> 00:17:18.834 society orgy last night. 440 00:17:18.834 --> 00:17:20.801 Quite slippery. 441 00:17:20.801 --> 00:17:24.000 * * 442 00:17:24.000 --> 00:17:25.934 [Bill] Oh boy hope Alex and his droods 443 00:17:25.934 --> 00:17:27.133 don't start singing 444 00:17:27.133 --> 00:17:28.133 in the rain or this will 445 00:17:28.133 --> 00:17:33.000 get real ugly. 446 00:17:33.000 --> 00:17:35.467 Mr. Paulson this is indeed a pleasure. 447 00:17:35.467 --> 00:17:38.701 [Mike] That's my phlegm hand! 448 00:17:45.334 --> 00:17:46.834 [Kevin] He's a guardian angel trainee. 449 00:17:46.834 --> 00:17:47.667 Has to work his way up 450 00:17:47.667 --> 00:17:51.701 to the red beret. 451 00:17:51.701 --> 00:17:53.467 Mr. Paulson assumes all the 452 00:17:53.467 --> 00:17:55.267 arrangements have been made. 453 00:17:55.267 --> 00:17:57.901 [Bill] The Dave and Busters will be closed to the public. 454 00:17:57.901 --> 00:17:58.734 Mike and Sue will be here at 455 00:17:58.734 --> 00:18:00.467 any moment to discuss 456 00:18:00.467 --> 00:18:01.100 the details of the operation 457 00:18:01.100 --> 00:18:02.434 However there is a 458 00:18:02.434 --> 00:18:03.934 slight matter of a fee 459 00:18:03.934 --> 00:18:05.167 Yes sir. 460 00:18:05.167 --> 00:18:07.634 [Mike] Manuel! Doggy treat! 461 00:18:07.634 --> 00:18:09.167 One million dollars 462 00:18:09.167 --> 00:18:13.000 Now that takes care of the first part 463 00:18:13.000 --> 00:18:17.100 Now for the second. 464 00:18:17.100 --> 00:18:18.267 [Bill] You want to do 465 00:18:18.267 --> 00:18:20.000 WHAT to Jessica Fletcher? 466 00:18:20.000 --> 00:18:23.634 Oh my God 467 00:18:23.634 --> 00:18:26.701 Mr Paulson has noted that Dr Sue 468 00:18:26.701 --> 00:18:28.133 was expelled from an international 469 00:18:28.133 --> 00:18:29.901 medical association. 470 00:18:29.901 --> 00:18:30.834 Dr Sue is a hundred years 471 00:18:30.834 --> 00:18:32.167 ahead of her time 472 00:18:32.167 --> 00:18:33.200 [Mike] Her floppy 473 00:18:33.200 --> 00:18:34.501 discs are a compact 474 00:18:34.501 --> 00:18:36.434 five and a quarter inches. 475 00:18:36.434 --> 00:18:38.601 Mr Paulson has further noted 476 00:18:38.601 --> 00:18:40.634 that Dr Sue has reported to perform 477 00:18:40.634 --> 00:18:42.801 unusual experiments on her patients. 478 00:18:42.801 --> 00:18:45.734 [Kevin] Something called CPR 479 00:18:45.734 --> 00:18:47.968 Her genius and her talent 480 00:18:47.968 --> 00:18:50.667 transcends the question 481 00:18:50.667 --> 00:18:53.300 of human morality. (gong sounds) 482 00:18:53.300 --> 00:18:55.167 [Bill] Bill But unfortunately 483 00:18:55.167 --> 00:18:57.067 she cannot transcend racist musical cues 484 00:18:57.067 --> 00:18:57.968 Mr Paulson was concerned with the 485 00:18:57.968 --> 00:18:59.601 outcome of the operation. 486 00:18:59.601 --> 00:19:03.000 Her work is thoroughly documented 487 00:19:03.000 --> 00:19:04.501 [Mike] Let's make this I gotta a lot 488 00:19:04.501 --> 00:19:12.467 of witches to accuse. 489 00:19:12.467 --> 00:19:13.767 Kevin] ARghh uhhh 490 00:19:13.767 --> 00:19:16.467 Why I chug all that buttermilk? 491 00:19:16.467 --> 00:19:17.367 You must set your mind at ease 492 00:19:17.367 --> 00:19:19.300 Mr Paulson. 493 00:19:19.300 --> 00:19:20.901 You are a man who is accustomed to receive 494 00:19:20.901 --> 00:19:22.767 the very best. 495 00:19:22.767 --> 00:19:24.033 [Bill] As evidenced by 496 00:19:24.033 --> 00:19:26.267 your homemade kangell 497 00:19:26.267 --> 00:19:27.834 And nothing less. 498 00:19:27.834 --> 00:19:29.167 Mr Paulson expresses his appreciation 499 00:19:29.167 --> 00:19:31.567 of your remarkable achievements 500 00:19:31.567 --> 00:19:32.334 and regards you as 501 00:19:32.334 --> 00:19:34.133 an extraordinary woman. 502 00:19:34.133 --> 00:19:35.968 [Mike] Had to double check there. 503 00:19:35.968 --> 00:19:38.000 He finds the terms of the financial 504 00:19:38.000 --> 00:19:40.334 agreement somewhat unsatisfactory to him. 505 00:19:40.334 --> 00:19:41.667 There are no 506 00:19:41.667 --> 00:19:43.801 guarantees and no recourse 507 00:19:43.801 --> 00:19:45.033 I often amuse myself with the 508 00:19:45.033 --> 00:19:46.734 provocative image that death 509 00:19:46.734 --> 00:19:48.834 has to be seduced by a woman. 510 00:19:48.834 --> 00:19:49.667 [Kevin] As seen in Larry King 511 00:19:49.667 --> 00:19:51.234 wedding photos. 512 00:19:51.234 --> 00:19:52.701 A medical fact. 513 00:19:52.701 --> 00:19:54.734 It is now possible for me 514 00:19:54.734 --> 00:19:56.400 to transplant your brain into the body 515 00:19:56.400 --> 00:19:59.767 of a healthy young virile athlete. 516 00:19:59.767 --> 00:20:03.667 [Bill] Oh Dorothy Hamill, pick Dorothy Hamill. 517 00:20:07.100 --> 00:20:09.767 The language it is a difficult one. 518 00:20:09.767 --> 00:20:12.300 The outside possibility of a murder charge. 519 00:20:12.300 --> 00:20:15.300 [Mike] Is that the case that they gave me?? 520 00:20:15.300 --> 00:20:16.868 To manage your position in 521 00:20:16.868 --> 00:20:18.567 part the legality issue 522 00:20:18.567 --> 00:20:20.133 is purely academic. 523 00:20:20.133 --> 00:20:22.767 [Bill] Where can I spit out this gum?? 524 00:20:22.767 --> 00:20:25.200 Immortality. 525 00:20:25.200 --> 00:20:28.000 [Bill] Slightly younger Mr Burns 526 00:20:28.000 --> 00:20:31.467 and slightly gayer Smithers 527 00:20:31.467 --> 00:20:32.801 What remains to be done? 528 00:20:32.801 --> 00:20:34.501 It's a simple matter of arithmetic. 529 00:20:34.501 --> 00:20:36.400 Fifty percent of all your holdings, 530 00:20:36.400 --> 00:20:37.901 in exchange for a 531 00:20:37.901 --> 00:20:40.100 hundred percent of eternity. 532 00:20:40.100 --> 00:20:41.067 [Mike] You just blew eighty 533 00:20:41.067 --> 00:20:43.734 three percent of my mind 534 00:20:43.734 --> 00:20:47.601 * * 535 00:20:47.601 --> 00:20:50.167 [Kevin] wow he made a great choice!! 536 00:20:50.167 --> 00:20:56.100 * * 537 00:20:56.100 --> 00:20:59.901 [[Bill]] Whew, pawn to queens knight two, take a shot 538 00:20:59.901 --> 00:21:02.834 * * 539 00:21:02.834 --> 00:21:05.667 [Mike] Squeaky no!! 540 00:21:05.667 --> 00:21:06.868 I'll bet you get your kicks 541 00:21:06.868 --> 00:21:08.367 out of playing with guns. 542 00:21:08.367 --> 00:21:11.267 I don't play with guns. 543 00:21:11.267 --> 00:21:12.400 I don't like you. 544 00:21:12.400 --> 00:21:13.467 Leave her alone Laura. 545 00:21:13.467 --> 00:21:16.100 I don't trust her. 546 00:21:16.100 --> 00:21:17.634 [Bill] think she's in her mid forties. 547 00:21:17.634 --> 00:21:19.167 She's too emotional 548 00:21:19.167 --> 00:21:21.367 You all heard what a certain doctor 549 00:21:21.367 --> 00:21:22.868 thinks about emotions revealing 550 00:21:22.868 --> 00:21:24.200 weaknesses. 551 00:21:24.200 --> 00:21:27.701 [Mike] Laura if you bring up House one more time 552 00:21:27.701 --> 00:21:29.534 Well the contessa has spoken. 553 00:21:29.534 --> 00:21:30.534 Stay out this. 554 00:21:30.534 --> 00:21:32.334 I can take care of myself. 555 00:21:32.334 --> 00:21:33.033 [Bill] Who gave that 556 00:21:33.033 --> 00:21:35.267 Denny's waitress a gun? 557 00:21:35.267 --> 00:21:37.067 Why don't you and Vera get together 558 00:21:37.067 --> 00:21:38.267 and try brain sex? 559 00:21:38.267 --> 00:21:39.267 I heard it eliminates 560 00:21:39.267 --> 00:21:40.534 emotional disorders. 561 00:21:40.534 --> 00:21:41.634 [Mike] Brain sex? 562 00:21:41.634 --> 00:21:42.767 Oh please don't let Sting 563 00:21:42.767 --> 00:21:44.133 hear about this 564 00:21:44.133 --> 00:21:45.234 What are you waiting for? 565 00:21:45.234 --> 00:21:47.234 The right time. 566 00:21:47.234 --> 00:21:49.267 The right place. 567 00:21:49.267 --> 00:21:52.400 [Kevin] Beef Cake O Gram! 568 00:21:52.400 --> 00:21:53.734 Well what have we got here? 569 00:21:53.734 --> 00:21:59.033 I think I'll take um 570 00:21:59.033 --> 00:22:00.367 [Bill] Young Steve Jobs. 571 00:22:00.367 --> 00:22:02.734 Hands off bitch 572 00:22:02.734 --> 00:22:05.434 He's mine. 573 00:22:05.434 --> 00:22:08.601 Tonight only sweetheart 574 00:22:08.601 --> 00:22:12.667 (indistinct) 575 00:22:12.667 --> 00:22:14.100 Eighteen degrees below zero centigrade. 576 00:22:14.100 --> 00:22:16.033 Yes doctor. 577 00:22:16.033 --> 00:22:17.634 [Mike] And don't 578 00:22:17.634 --> 00:22:18.968 batter fry them this time. 579 00:22:18.968 --> 00:22:20.868 Condition Normal 580 00:22:24.067 --> 00:22:25.267 Lorenzo how do you know for sure 581 00:22:25.267 --> 00:22:26.033 that these athletes 582 00:22:26.033 --> 00:22:27.267 have been kidnapped? 583 00:22:27.267 --> 00:22:28.400 Well we don't. 584 00:22:28.400 --> 00:22:29.968 [Bill] Oh miss those are a wax display. 585 00:22:29.968 --> 00:22:30.934 Miss miss! 586 00:22:30.934 --> 00:22:31.734 How many? 587 00:22:31.734 --> 00:22:32.734 Fourteen. 588 00:22:32.734 --> 00:22:34.167 All over the world. 589 00:22:34.167 --> 00:22:36.000 They were the cream off the 590 00:22:36.000 --> 00:22:37.534 top the best athletes in the world. 591 00:22:37.534 --> 00:22:38.801 You know a few things 592 00:22:38.801 --> 00:22:39.901 bother me Lorenzo. 593 00:22:39.901 --> 00:22:41.000 Yeah. 594 00:22:41.000 --> 00:22:42.734 [Mike] Well I think a bunch of hot women 595 00:22:42.734 --> 00:22:44.000 have been checking me out recently. 596 00:22:44.000 --> 00:22:46.567 Not even a ransom note. 597 00:22:46.567 --> 00:22:48.634 Nobody's and no answers. 598 00:22:48.634 --> 00:22:50.167 That's true and that leaves us 599 00:22:50.167 --> 00:22:52.167 with a whole lot of unanswered questions. 600 00:22:52.167 --> 00:22:53.701 [Kevin] Oh good so I'm not the only one. 601 00:22:53.701 --> 00:22:54.767 Do you know where you found 602 00:22:54.767 --> 00:22:55.634 what's his name the 603 00:22:55.634 --> 00:22:56.634 jai alai player's car? 604 00:22:56.634 --> 00:22:57.767 Yeah sure take you there 605 00:22:57.767 --> 00:22:59.067 first thing in the morning. 606 00:22:59.067 --> 00:23:00.200 Might as well tell you 607 00:23:00.200 --> 00:23:02.334 police came up with a big fat zero. 608 00:23:02.334 --> 00:23:03.667 [Bill] Speaking of which 609 00:23:03.667 --> 00:23:06.000 is that a hipster I see? 610 00:23:06.000 --> 00:23:08.467 Lorenzo.. 611 00:23:08.467 --> 00:23:10.367 Do you have some money I can borrow? 612 00:23:10.367 --> 00:23:12.400 Naturally. 613 00:23:12.400 --> 00:23:13.901 And don't worry I'll pay you back. 614 00:23:13.901 --> 00:23:18.000 [Kevin] Pay me back?? Ha ha ha. 615 00:23:18.000 --> 00:23:19.601 Classic.* * 616 00:23:19.601 --> 00:23:25.334 * * 617 00:23:25.334 --> 00:23:26.434 [Bill] Oh no is this going in 618 00:23:26.434 --> 00:23:29.067 a Larry Craig direction? 619 00:23:29.067 --> 00:23:36.100 * * 620 00:23:36.100 --> 00:23:37.334 * *[Mike] Now to reel you in 621 00:23:37.334 --> 00:23:41.601 my hairy little fish. 622 00:23:41.601 --> 00:23:44.701 [Bill] Must move slowly 623 00:23:44.701 --> 00:23:47.067 don't want to startle it. 624 00:23:47.067 --> 00:23:52.868 * * 625 00:23:52.868 --> 00:23:56.601 [Bill] Hand over the black market Propecia kid 626 00:23:56.601 --> 00:23:58.167 You busted me. 627 00:23:58.167 --> 00:24:00.367 What do you want to know. 628 00:24:00.367 --> 00:24:01.734 You American? 629 00:24:01.734 --> 00:24:03.334 I'm only a human being. 630 00:24:03.334 --> 00:24:06.200 [Mike] Well I'm 29% neck beard 631 00:24:06.200 --> 00:24:07.734 You were gonna pull 632 00:24:07.734 --> 00:24:08.634 my number out of a hat. 633 00:24:08.634 --> 00:24:10.167 Put a gun in my hand 634 00:24:10.167 --> 00:24:11.601 So I split. 635 00:24:11.601 --> 00:24:13.300 I need some information. 636 00:24:13.300 --> 00:24:14.400 [Kevin] Like what the hell's up with 637 00:24:14.400 --> 00:24:16.167 those durion fruits? 638 00:24:16.167 --> 00:24:17.033 The night that car 639 00:24:17.033 --> 00:24:18.167 was abandoned here. 640 00:24:18.167 --> 00:24:19.868 You see anything? 641 00:24:19.868 --> 00:24:21.067 Weird trip. 642 00:24:21.067 --> 00:24:22.701 I'm sitting here 643 00:24:22.701 --> 00:24:24.334 working you know doing my thing? 644 00:24:24.334 --> 00:24:26.033 [Bill] working on my memoirs. 645 00:24:26.033 --> 00:24:27.067 Then a hearse drives up 646 00:24:27.067 --> 00:24:28.467 Followed by this caddy limousine 647 00:24:28.467 --> 00:24:29.000 with two chicks in the back seat. 648 00:24:29.000 --> 00:24:29.734 It parked 649 00:24:29.734 --> 00:24:31.033 right over there. 650 00:24:31.033 --> 00:24:32.200 [Mike] UGH he's making this less 651 00:24:32.200 --> 00:24:34.667 interesting than a Jeopardy anecdote. 652 00:24:34.667 --> 00:24:36.400 And they carry a body over 653 00:24:36.400 --> 00:24:37.801 to the hearse they put it in 654 00:24:37.801 --> 00:24:39.801 to a casket and they just split. 655 00:24:39.801 --> 00:24:41.033 See anything else? 656 00:24:41.033 --> 00:24:42.334 Who knows man? 657 00:24:42.334 --> 00:24:44.300 I'm blind remember? 658 00:24:44.300 --> 00:24:45.934 [Bill] Thanks to his 659 00:24:45.934 --> 00:24:46.868 fake blindness he has 660 00:24:46.868 --> 00:24:50.033 fake super hearing. 661 00:24:50.033 --> 00:24:51.467 Yeah the writing on the door 662 00:24:51.467 --> 00:24:54.100 of the hearse said Seaside Chapel 663 00:24:54.100 --> 00:24:55.334 [Mike] Where Susie gives sermons 664 00:24:55.334 --> 00:24:57.000 about selling sea shells 665 00:24:57.000 --> 00:24:59.801 That would be won ton Charlie. 666 00:24:59.801 --> 00:25:00.934 That's fine. 667 00:25:00.934 --> 00:25:02.367 Hey man I'm no fake 668 00:25:02.367 --> 00:25:04.167 I got my interests to protect. 669 00:25:04.167 --> 00:25:05.167 I've got a business here. 670 00:25:05.167 --> 00:25:06.133 It's called 671 00:25:06.133 --> 00:25:07.467 Began Enterprises. 672 00:25:07.467 --> 00:25:08.467 I've got seventy five dudes 673 00:25:08.467 --> 00:25:10.701 working corners just like this one. 674 00:25:10.701 --> 00:25:11.367 [Bill] Draft dodging pan handlers today 675 00:25:11.367 --> 00:25:13.000 just don't have the 676 00:25:13.000 --> 00:25:14.000 same entrepreneurial 677 00:25:14.000 --> 00:25:15.767 spirt they used to. 678 00:25:18.400 --> 00:25:20.567 [Kevin] Hey you like to party? 679 00:25:20.567 --> 00:25:21.667 What do you know about a chapel by the Sea 680 00:25:21.667 --> 00:25:23.400 or Seaside Chapel? 681 00:25:23.400 --> 00:25:25.033 Never heard of it. 682 00:25:25.033 --> 00:25:26.534 [Kevin] and I know all the hot chapels. 683 00:25:26.534 --> 00:25:28.267 That's where the hearse came from. 684 00:25:28.267 --> 00:25:30.234 You ever heard of a dude named Won Ton.. 685 00:25:30.234 --> 00:25:33.067 Won Ton Charlie? 686 00:25:33.067 --> 00:25:34.367 Won Ton Charlie? 687 00:25:34.367 --> 00:25:35.634 You might try the city of death. 688 00:25:35.634 --> 00:25:40.334 [Bill] Used to be called Deathburg. 689 00:25:40.334 --> 00:25:43.801 [Mike] Tweet deleted. 690 00:25:43.801 --> 00:25:45.033 City of death huh? 691 00:25:45.033 --> 00:25:47.501 That's right mister mike. 692 00:25:47.501 --> 00:25:49.634 This is the chinese cemetery. 693 00:25:49.634 --> 00:25:50.901 Very spooky. 694 00:25:50.901 --> 00:25:52.300 [Kevin] Airy colorful bright 695 00:25:52.300 --> 00:25:55.667 sunny VERY spooky! 696 00:25:55.667 --> 00:25:59.567 You honor my dead with your presence? 697 00:25:59.567 --> 00:26:01.234 Mister Harbor. 698 00:26:01.234 --> 00:26:02.234 [Bill] Yeesh those dead 699 00:26:02.234 --> 00:26:03.300 need to raise the 700 00:26:03.300 --> 00:26:07.801 bar a little. 701 00:26:07.801 --> 00:26:09.000 You Won Ton Charlie? 702 00:26:09.000 --> 00:26:12.467 Euphemism. 703 00:26:12.467 --> 00:26:14.467 Slang Mr Harbor. 704 00:26:14.467 --> 00:26:15.634 [Kevin] Ah like everyone 705 00:26:15.634 --> 00:26:16.934 calls me Fart Face. 706 00:26:16.934 --> 00:26:19.467 Unlike in America 707 00:26:19.467 --> 00:26:22.000 here in the City of Death 708 00:26:22.000 --> 00:26:24.300 tombs are chambers of 709 00:26:24.300 --> 00:26:26.467 peace and tranquility. 710 00:26:26.467 --> 00:26:27.868 [Bill] Don't laugh at his 711 00:26:27.868 --> 00:26:30.133 teeth man, keep it together. 712 00:26:30.133 --> 00:26:31.367 Here we welcome 713 00:26:31.367 --> 00:26:33.734 death Mr. Harbor. 714 00:26:33.734 --> 00:26:35.334 May I offer you some 715 00:26:35.334 --> 00:26:36.634 refreshments. 716 00:26:36.634 --> 00:26:38.033 Some tea perhaps? 717 00:26:38.033 --> 00:26:39.767 [Mike] Death tea with death cream 718 00:26:39.767 --> 00:26:41.367 and death sugar? 719 00:26:41.367 --> 00:26:43.634 Information. 720 00:26:43.634 --> 00:26:46.367 That is a priceless commodity. 721 00:26:46.367 --> 00:26:48.067 I just like sex. 722 00:26:48.067 --> 00:26:49.300 [Kevin] What??? 723 00:26:49.300 --> 00:26:50.601 Since you're so wired in death 724 00:26:50.601 --> 00:26:51.567 what can tell me about 725 00:26:51.567 --> 00:26:53.667 a chapel by the sea? 726 00:26:53.667 --> 00:26:55.167 I know of no such chapel. 727 00:26:55.167 --> 00:26:56.033 [Bill] There are no 728 00:26:56.033 --> 00:26:56.901 chapels along any of the 729 00:26:56.901 --> 00:26:58.000 coastlines of the thousands 730 00:26:58.000 --> 00:27:00.133 of islands of the Philippines. 731 00:27:00.133 --> 00:27:01.834 Is that a riddle? 732 00:27:01.834 --> 00:27:04.234 No man it's a Chinese puzzle. 733 00:27:04.234 --> 00:27:05.767 [Mike] Like that woven tubey thing 734 00:27:05.767 --> 00:27:08.334 I got my finger stuck in for a week once 735 00:27:08.334 --> 00:27:14.067 An offering to your ancestors. 736 00:27:14.067 --> 00:27:15.801 [Kevin] You should have 737 00:27:15.801 --> 00:27:17.033 offered them marshmallows and weiners 738 00:27:17.033 --> 00:27:19.000 Two to go. 739 00:27:19.000 --> 00:27:23.767 Crude but straight to the point. 740 00:27:23.767 --> 00:27:26.334 [Bill] Like a dull rusty prison shank! 741 00:27:26.334 --> 00:27:28.267 Who might be of interest? to you. 742 00:27:28.267 --> 00:27:29.901 Where can I find him? 743 00:27:29.901 --> 00:27:31.534 At the cockpits. 744 00:27:31.534 --> 00:27:33.968 What's selling? 745 00:27:33.968 --> 00:27:35.567 [Mike] Cock accessories, 746 00:27:35.567 --> 00:27:37.200 cock insurance. 747 00:27:37.200 --> 00:27:38.601 What's a net full of fish? 748 00:27:38.601 --> 00:27:40.400 Not fish Mr Harbor. 749 00:27:40.400 --> 00:27:42.000 Human bones. 750 00:27:42.000 --> 00:27:43.601 [Kevin] For a soup 751 00:27:49.667 --> 00:27:51.067 * * 752 00:27:51.067 --> 00:27:52.000 [Bill] Hey guys guys 753 00:27:52.000 --> 00:27:53.467 you wanna see a dead parrot? 754 00:27:53.467 --> 00:27:56.567 * * 755 00:27:56.567 --> 00:28:00.334 * * 756 00:28:00.334 --> 00:28:01.133 [Mike] New pope's 757 00:28:01.133 --> 00:28:02.834 gonna start riding 758 00:28:02.834 --> 00:28:03.868 around in one of these soon. 759 00:28:03.868 --> 00:28:04.701 He's so chill and fun 760 00:28:04.701 --> 00:28:09.100 * * 761 00:28:09.100 --> 00:28:10.934 (shot fires) 762 00:28:10.934 --> 00:28:12.601 [Kevin] Oh no they got lasers!! 763 00:28:12.601 --> 00:28:16.901 * * 764 00:28:16.901 --> 00:28:19.601 (shots fires) 765 00:28:19.601 --> 00:28:20.734 [Bill] Come on bad guys 766 00:28:20.734 --> 00:28:24.467 just a company car for your goons. 767 00:28:24.467 --> 00:28:29.901 (shots fire) 768 00:28:29.901 --> 00:28:31.400 [Kevin] Pretty gear up on 769 00:28:31.400 --> 00:28:34.834 an antique firearms museum? 770 00:28:34.834 --> 00:28:37.601 (crash) 771 00:28:37.601 --> 00:28:41.133 (shots fire) 772 00:28:41.133 --> 00:28:43.400 (shots fire) 773 00:28:43.400 --> 00:28:44.367 [Bill] Damn peasants 774 00:28:44.367 --> 00:28:45.167 leaving their exploding 775 00:28:45.167 --> 00:28:48.000 carts in the street! 776 00:28:48.000 --> 00:28:50.567 * * 777 00:28:50.567 --> 00:28:57.100 [Kevin] Leisure suit Larry is the Bourne Supremacy 778 00:28:57.100 --> 00:29:02.901 * * 779 00:29:02.901 --> 00:29:03.767 [Mike] Are you sure ditching 780 00:29:03.767 --> 00:29:05.033 the slow moving exploding mopeds 781 00:29:05.033 --> 00:29:07.167 is a good idea? 782 00:29:07.167 --> 00:29:10.033 * * 783 00:29:10.033 --> 00:29:11.100 [Bill] Next they take a short cut 784 00:29:11.100 --> 00:29:13.634 through Ferris Bueler's neighbors yard 785 00:29:13.634 --> 00:29:20.234 * * 786 00:29:20.234 --> 00:29:22.234 [Kevin] I have to tinkle. 787 00:29:22.234 --> 00:29:23.167 Can you just wait up a second so I can 788 00:29:23.167 --> 00:29:24.133 go in these hedges? 789 00:29:24.133 --> 00:29:25.033 [Mike] Dammit I told you 790 00:29:25.033 --> 00:29:26.167 to go before we swarmed. 791 00:29:26.167 --> 00:29:26.901 [Kevin] Oh I gotta go!! 792 00:29:26.901 --> 00:29:33.701 * * 793 00:29:33.701 --> 00:29:35.567 [Bill] Why didn't I 794 00:29:35.567 --> 00:29:36.767 pay more attention to Rick Steve's 795 00:29:36.767 --> 00:29:38.400 guide to fleeing in the Philippines? 796 00:29:38.400 --> 00:29:43.534 * *(humming of motor) 797 00:29:43.534 --> 00:29:49.467 (humming of motor) 798 00:29:49.467 --> 00:29:50.367 [Kevin] Learned this technique from 799 00:29:50.367 --> 00:29:51.667 the gun's original 800 00:29:51.667 --> 00:29:55.434 owner Chrispus Attucks 801 00:29:55.434 --> 00:29:57.133 Aggh!! 802 00:30:01.000 --> 00:30:03.434 [Bill] did he make his gun in shop class? 803 00:30:03.434 --> 00:30:07.567 * * 804 00:30:07.567 --> 00:30:10.634 * * 805 00:30:10.634 --> 00:30:11.567 [Kevin] Can't believe he 806 00:30:11.567 --> 00:30:13.434 the old gypsy woman was right-- 807 00:30:13.434 --> 00:30:14.934 I will have a sweaty jai alai related death 808 00:30:14.934 --> 00:30:19.434 * * 809 00:30:19.434 --> 00:30:20.334 [Bill] Manilla Come for 810 00:30:20.334 --> 00:30:21.300 the oppressive heat 811 00:30:21.300 --> 00:30:23.701 Stay for the endless gates 812 00:30:23.701 --> 00:30:26.601 * * 813 00:30:26.601 --> 00:30:29.601 [Kevin] Got your nose, ah trachea 814 00:30:34.133 --> 00:30:35.167 Oww!! 815 00:30:35.167 --> 00:30:37.334 [Mike] Weaponized tape 816 00:30:43.701 --> 00:30:46.634 [Kevin] Here comes Wrangler I'm one tough 817 00:30:46.634 --> 00:30:48.767 customer. 818 00:30:48.767 --> 00:30:50.067 I guess. 819 00:30:50.067 --> 00:30:51.100 Hey number one? 820 00:30:51.100 --> 00:30:52.267 Yes? 821 00:30:52.267 --> 00:30:53.801 Everything alright down there? 822 00:30:53.801 --> 00:30:54.634 [Kevin] A man's got a right 823 00:30:54.634 --> 00:30:55.467 to fiddle with his own 824 00:30:55.467 --> 00:30:57.367 dip stick under his own taxi! 825 00:30:57.367 --> 00:30:59.501 Mr Mike! 826 00:30:59.501 --> 00:31:00.734 Looks like someone does not 827 00:31:00.734 --> 00:31:03.501 like you so much huh? 828 00:31:03.501 --> 00:31:05.234 [Mike] Someone's gotta tell 829 00:31:05.234 --> 00:31:06.634 the truth about chem-trails 830 00:31:06.634 --> 00:31:09.133 Ahhh. 831 00:31:14.133 --> 00:31:15.467 [Bill] Hey it's just like the 832 00:31:15.467 --> 00:31:16.834 Pete Seeger song... 833 00:31:16.834 --> 00:31:17.934 Ain't going down to 834 00:31:17.934 --> 00:31:19.534 them cockfights no more. 835 00:31:19.534 --> 00:31:20.968 [Kevin] If I had 836 00:31:20.968 --> 00:31:22.667 a cock I'd fight 837 00:31:22.667 --> 00:31:25.300 it in the morning!! (singing) 838 00:31:25.300 --> 00:31:29.133 (crowd cheering) 839 00:31:29.133 --> 00:31:34.467 (cheering) 840 00:31:34.467 --> 00:31:35.434 [Mike] this is happening 841 00:31:35.434 --> 00:31:36.467 in your stomach every time 842 00:31:36.467 --> 00:31:39.300 you eat a KFC double down. 843 00:31:39.300 --> 00:31:45.033 (cheering) 844 00:31:45.033 --> 00:31:46.367 [Kevin] Look closely you'll 845 00:31:46.367 --> 00:31:48.000 see the chicken's dads screaming 846 00:31:48.000 --> 00:31:50.067 at them from the bleachers. 847 00:31:50.067 --> 00:31:52.434 Come on what was that??? 848 00:31:52.434 --> 00:31:57.868 (indistinct) 849 00:31:57.868 --> 00:31:58.834 [Bill] A young Tony Montana 850 00:31:58.834 --> 00:32:01.367 makes his move 851 00:32:01.367 --> 00:32:06.534 (indistinct) 852 00:32:06.534 --> 00:32:09.133 He say 853 00:32:09.133 --> 00:32:11.000 [Mike] He says my name is not 854 00:32:11.000 --> 00:32:11.834 masteroshi and I cannot teach you the 855 00:32:11.834 --> 00:32:13.834 Commy Hommy Ha!! 856 00:32:13.834 --> 00:32:14.701 He has two friends who 857 00:32:14.701 --> 00:32:16.400 have two fishing boats 858 00:32:16.400 --> 00:32:17.834 They went near the shore. 859 00:32:17.834 --> 00:32:19.801 We never heard of them since. 860 00:32:19.801 --> 00:32:21.567 I've heard about these human bones. 861 00:32:21.567 --> 00:32:22.901 [Kevin] Does he know the 862 00:32:22.901 --> 00:32:24.434 dangers of osteoporosis? 863 00:32:24.434 --> 00:32:25.434 Does he know that 864 00:32:25.434 --> 00:32:27.167 treatment is available? 865 00:32:27.167 --> 00:32:30.901 (indistinct) 866 00:32:30.901 --> 00:32:37.801 (indistinct) 867 00:32:37.801 --> 00:32:38.934 He says 868 00:32:38.934 --> 00:32:40.133 [Bill] He says what's up with 869 00:32:40.133 --> 00:32:41.901 Marvel's Agents of Shield? 870 00:32:41.901 --> 00:32:43.167 Some times it's pretty righteous 871 00:32:43.167 --> 00:32:44.801 but other times it's like uh 872 00:32:44.801 --> 00:32:45.968 totally mad. 873 00:32:45.968 --> 00:32:47.968 Human bones. 874 00:32:47.968 --> 00:32:51.667 Lots of sharks in the sea. 875 00:32:51.667 --> 00:32:53.067 Lots of sharks. 876 00:32:53.067 --> 00:32:54.000 [Mike] Lots of shark was 877 00:32:54.000 --> 00:32:56.300 the Filipino title for Jaws 878 00:32:56.300 --> 00:33:02.567 (indistinct yelling) 879 00:33:02.567 --> 00:33:03.734 [Kevin] Ah I make the same faces when 880 00:33:03.734 --> 00:33:04.868 the car dealer tries to sell me the 881 00:33:04.868 --> 00:33:07.133 undercoating. 882 00:33:07.133 --> 00:33:11.868 (cheering of crowd) 883 00:33:11.868 --> 00:33:16.167 (cheering) 884 00:33:16.167 --> 00:33:19.467 (cheering) 885 00:33:19.467 --> 00:33:21.501 [Mike] Van Halen Van Hagar! 886 00:33:21.501 --> 00:33:25.267 (cheering) 887 00:33:25.267 --> 00:33:28.934 [Kevin] He told you don't 888 00:33:28.934 --> 00:33:30.067 you ever flap 889 00:33:30.067 --> 00:33:30.901 around here. 890 00:33:30.901 --> 00:33:32.567 Don't want to see your 891 00:33:32.567 --> 00:33:33.267 beak you better disappear! 892 00:33:33.267 --> 00:33:35.501 BAWK!! 893 00:33:35.501 --> 00:33:40.033 * * 894 00:33:40.033 --> 00:33:41.467 [Bill] Oh crank it home the 895 00:33:41.467 --> 00:33:42.167 wife's gonna ask 896 00:33:42.167 --> 00:33:43.934 What did you do at 897 00:33:43.934 --> 00:33:45.000 work today hon? Well watched 898 00:33:45.000 --> 00:33:45.601 a ten minute long animal 899 00:33:45.601 --> 00:33:46.767 abuse sequence? 900 00:33:46.767 --> 00:33:48.234 How about you? 901 00:33:48.234 --> 00:33:50.901 [Kevin] Rewarding. 902 00:33:50.901 --> 00:33:55.200 * * 903 00:33:55.200 --> 00:33:56.067 [Mike] Weirdest Big Brother 904 00:33:56.067 --> 00:33:58.467 program ever 905 00:33:58.467 --> 00:34:01.267 * * 906 00:34:01.267 --> 00:34:07.234 * * 907 00:34:07.234 --> 00:34:08.234 [Kevin] Da da da da kill! 908 00:34:08.234 --> 00:34:09.167 Da da da da gauge! 909 00:34:09.167 --> 00:34:10.033 Da da da 910 00:34:10.033 --> 00:34:17.567 slash slash kill kill!! 911 00:34:17.567 --> 00:34:19.033 [Bill] If Darren Arnofsky 912 00:34:19.033 --> 00:34:22.133 directed Chicken Little..... 913 00:34:22.133 --> 00:34:26.267 * * 914 00:34:26.267 --> 00:34:29.267 [Mike] the cameo by Keith Richards coke nail 915 00:34:29.267 --> 00:34:37.334 * * 916 00:34:37.334 --> 00:34:38.133 Let's get out of here. 917 00:34:38.133 --> 00:34:39.434 Ask him to meet us outside. 918 00:34:39.434 --> 00:34:41.200 [Kevin] They're bathing a bear 919 00:34:41.200 --> 00:34:42.367 out there I don't want to miss it 920 00:34:42.367 --> 00:34:45.634 (bell rings) 921 00:34:45.634 --> 00:34:46.701 [Bill]And thus the old saying 922 00:34:46.701 --> 00:34:48.801 Not by cock fighting spurs 923 00:34:48.801 --> 00:34:51.067 deep in thy own esophagus. 924 00:34:51.067 --> 00:34:54.200 (buzzing) 925 00:34:54.200 --> 00:35:00.734 (buzzing) 926 00:35:00.734 --> 00:35:01.601 [Mike] And this is where we keep 927 00:35:01.601 --> 00:35:02.567 the migraine inducing 928 00:35:02.567 --> 00:35:04.534 buck rogers crap 929 00:35:04.534 --> 00:35:10.801 (buzzing) 930 00:35:10.801 --> 00:35:12.667 Our track star has run the mile 931 00:35:12.667 --> 00:35:13.968 in three and a half minutes. 932 00:35:13.968 --> 00:35:15.133 Quite remarkable. 933 00:35:15.133 --> 00:35:16.033 [Kevin] It's also been flavored 934 00:35:16.033 --> 00:35:18.100 sealed to lock in freshness. 935 00:35:18.100 --> 00:35:19.234 Raise the brain wave cycles 936 00:35:19.234 --> 00:35:20.300 from theta to alpha 937 00:35:20.300 --> 00:35:21.667 And restore him to consciousness. 938 00:35:21.667 --> 00:35:23.200 I want some tonight. 939 00:35:23.200 --> 00:35:24.167 This is the second time 940 00:35:24.167 --> 00:35:25.334 this week dear. 941 00:35:25.334 --> 00:35:28.367 You should show more restraint. 942 00:35:28.367 --> 00:35:29.701 The old fashioned way of sex runs 943 00:35:29.701 --> 00:35:32.434 the risks of involving the emotions 944 00:35:32.434 --> 00:35:34.200 [Bill] You know like fear and shame 945 00:35:34.200 --> 00:35:36.634 and slightly different kind of shame. 946 00:35:36.634 --> 00:35:38.167 I speak for all of us. 947 00:35:38.167 --> 00:35:39.501 Brain sex may work for you 948 00:35:39.501 --> 00:35:40.567 But some of us 949 00:35:40.567 --> 00:35:42.267 still prefer physical contact. 950 00:35:42.267 --> 00:35:43.901 There'll come a time 951 00:35:43.901 --> 00:35:45.000 when physical contact 952 00:35:45.000 --> 00:35:46.167 will be unheard of 953 00:35:46.167 --> 00:35:47.734 [Mike] Yeah it's called 954 00:35:47.734 --> 00:35:49.067 marriage am I right? 955 00:35:49.067 --> 00:35:50.033 [all guys] ahh ah ha ha oh!! 956 00:35:50.033 --> 00:35:51.133 Physical sensation 957 00:35:51.133 --> 00:35:53.734 and eliminates emotional disorders. 958 00:35:53.734 --> 00:35:55.934 [Kevin] Now if you'll excuse 959 00:35:55.934 --> 00:35:57.133 me I need to dress like a 960 00:35:57.133 --> 00:35:58.467 saran wrapped quaker and 961 00:35:58.467 --> 00:36:00.534 harvest a track star's spleen 962 00:36:00.534 --> 00:36:02.701 Yes Dr Sue on the fourth level. 963 00:36:02.701 --> 00:36:05.934 Attention Dr Sue your 964 00:36:05.934 --> 00:36:09.100 call to Won Ton is now ready 965 00:36:09.100 --> 00:36:11.801 I'll take it here on the PA system 966 00:36:11.801 --> 00:36:13.434 [Bill] I've installed 967 00:36:13.434 --> 00:36:15.934 one in the patient's gallbladder. 968 00:36:15.934 --> 00:36:17.734 This is Won Ton. 969 00:36:17.734 --> 00:36:20.400 It has come to my attention Won Ton 970 00:36:20.400 --> 00:36:23.167 [Mike] That you're named after an appetizer. 971 00:36:23.167 --> 00:36:25.067 You need to improve the 972 00:36:25.067 --> 00:36:26.968 status of your help. 973 00:36:26.968 --> 00:36:28.267 Mr Harbor has proven to be 974 00:36:28.267 --> 00:36:29.634 resourceful 975 00:36:29.634 --> 00:36:31.467 He eliminated six of my men. 976 00:36:31.467 --> 00:36:32.400 [Kevin] and he mocked my 977 00:36:32.400 --> 00:36:34.300 Larry Dennis robe. 978 00:36:34.300 --> 00:36:36.267 I suggest to you that Mr Harbor represents a 979 00:36:36.267 --> 00:36:38.400 threat to your security. 980 00:36:38.400 --> 00:36:40.267 The only threat to my security 981 00:36:40.267 --> 00:36:43.067 is an associates inability to perform. 982 00:36:43.067 --> 00:36:44.534 [Bill] don't worry Won Ton 983 00:36:44.534 --> 00:36:46.434 it happens often in older men. 984 00:36:46.434 --> 00:36:47.968 Well now it concerns you 985 00:36:47.968 --> 00:36:50.634 shall determine Mr Harbor's fate. 986 00:36:50.634 --> 00:36:52.200 [Mike] Prediction Gonorrhea and a 987 00:36:52.200 --> 00:36:54.801 flop house in Old San Juan. 988 00:36:54.801 --> 00:36:56.234 As you say doctor. 989 00:36:56.234 --> 00:37:00.567 We are ready to surgically adhere 990 00:37:00.567 --> 00:37:02.434 the sperm duct. 991 00:37:02.434 --> 00:37:03.868 [Kevin] And playing the 992 00:37:03.868 --> 00:37:05.767 part of the surgically 993 00:37:05.767 --> 00:37:12.634 adhered sperm duct--this guy! * * 994 00:37:12.634 --> 00:37:14.667 * *Three of those um Bloody Marys. 995 00:37:14.667 --> 00:37:15.834 [Bill] oooo--this is setting 996 00:37:15.834 --> 00:37:17.033 up a thrilling scene 997 00:37:17.033 --> 00:37:19.367 later where Harbor asks for the check! 998 00:37:19.367 --> 00:37:21.434 There are no funeral homes in Manilla. 999 00:37:21.434 --> 00:37:23.734 called Chapel by the Sea. 1000 00:37:23.734 --> 00:37:25.534 They all keep quiet and 1001 00:37:25.534 --> 00:37:26.334 they talk about the islands. 1002 00:37:26.334 --> 00:37:28.000 We did get an interesting 1003 00:37:28.000 --> 00:37:29.334 report from the United States. 1004 00:37:29.334 --> 00:37:31.033 [Mike] I'm afraid it's stagflation. 1005 00:37:31.033 --> 00:37:32.834 A hearse was used in the 1006 00:37:32.834 --> 00:37:35.300 abduction of a basketball player. 1007 00:37:35.300 --> 00:37:36.667 Then it ties in with blind begger. 1008 00:37:36.667 --> 00:37:38.534 [Kevin] Um we prefer 1009 00:37:38.534 --> 00:37:39.667 the term visually impaired indigent 1010 00:37:39.667 --> 00:37:41.067 if you please 1011 00:37:41.067 --> 00:37:41.701 There was a coffin shipped to 1012 00:37:41.701 --> 00:37:42.968 Manilla. 1013 00:37:42.968 --> 00:37:43.868 It was accompanied by uh 1014 00:37:43.868 --> 00:37:46.801 two women dressed in mourning. 1015 00:37:46.801 --> 00:37:49.467 Met by two more women. 1016 00:37:49.467 --> 00:37:51.701 It's a lot of widows. 1017 00:37:51.701 --> 00:37:52.501 [Bill] Because if a woman 1018 00:37:52.501 --> 00:37:53.501 mourns you you were 1019 00:37:53.501 --> 00:37:55.467 married to her. 1020 00:37:55.467 --> 00:38:01.534 * * 1021 00:38:01.534 --> 00:38:03.033 [Mike] It's either a come hither look 1022 00:38:03.033 --> 00:38:04.868 or acid reflux 1023 00:38:04.868 --> 00:38:09.734 * * 1024 00:38:09.734 --> 00:38:13.567 [Kevin] Say! 1025 00:38:13.567 --> 00:38:14.801 That laminate might just be the 1026 00:38:14.801 --> 00:38:16.234 durable flooring solution 1027 00:38:16.234 --> 00:38:19.334 I've been searching for 1028 00:38:19.334 --> 00:38:20.801 Well it's been a long day uh 1029 00:38:20.801 --> 00:38:25.501 I'll be off. 1030 00:38:25.501 --> 00:38:26.300 [Bill] I'm gonna 1031 00:38:26.300 --> 00:38:27.033 go sell me some 1032 00:38:27.033 --> 00:38:29.467 homeowners insurance 1033 00:38:29.467 --> 00:38:34.734 * * 1034 00:38:34.734 --> 00:38:35.634 Try that. 1035 00:38:35.634 --> 00:38:37.434 [Mike] Sunny D tangy original 1036 00:38:37.434 --> 00:38:41.334 pretty good right? 1037 00:38:41.334 --> 00:38:42.701 You look as though you. 1038 00:38:42.701 --> 00:38:46.133 you got great legs baby! 1039 00:38:46.133 --> 00:38:47.868 [Kevin] Your femur is attached to 1040 00:38:47.868 --> 00:38:48.868 your pelvis and everything. 1041 00:38:48.868 --> 00:38:50.734 Thank you. 1042 00:38:50.734 --> 00:38:55.033 but they're too long. 1043 00:38:55.033 --> 00:38:56.000 [Mike] There aren't enough-- 1044 00:38:56.000 --> 00:38:59.067 Why aren't you a millipede?? 1045 00:38:59.067 --> 00:39:00.868 They can wait. 1046 00:39:00.868 --> 00:39:02.467 Well let's see what we can do about 1047 00:39:02.467 --> 00:39:03.968 keeping them out of the way. 1048 00:39:03.968 --> 00:39:04.868 [Mike] Let's feed my legs 1049 00:39:04.868 --> 00:39:06.868 to a monitor lizard. 1050 00:39:06.868 --> 00:39:11.334 * * 1051 00:39:11.334 --> 00:39:12.334 [Kevin] Ever uh flush the hoses 1052 00:39:12.334 --> 00:39:13.400 in a rack and pinion 1053 00:39:13.400 --> 00:39:16.267 steering system mmm? 1054 00:39:16.267 --> 00:39:17.934 We'll see what we can do about that 1055 00:39:17.934 --> 00:39:20.234 [Kevin] If not you should. 1056 00:39:20.234 --> 00:39:21.701 Particle contamination to 1057 00:39:21.701 --> 00:39:22.767 the fluid is the number one 1058 00:39:22.767 --> 00:39:24.834 cause of steering failures. 1059 00:39:24.834 --> 00:39:28.901 * * 1060 00:39:28.901 --> 00:39:32.367 [Bill] Eat your heart out 1061 00:39:32.367 --> 00:39:35.000 Cinemax in 1982 1062 00:39:35.000 --> 00:39:39.334 * *[Mike] Oh god I hope 1063 00:39:39.334 --> 00:39:42.033 this lipstick is a disinfectant 1064 00:39:42.033 --> 00:39:47.834 (music) 1065 00:39:47.834 --> 00:39:49.634 [Kevin] Yes the stench of high 1066 00:39:49.634 --> 00:39:51.667 karate is like a fist through the screen 1067 00:39:51.667 --> 00:39:57.567 (music) 1068 00:39:57.567 --> 00:39:59.167 [Bill] Oooo she's laying eggs in his 1069 00:39:59.167 --> 00:40:01.501 chest cavity! 1070 00:40:05.567 --> 00:40:07.267 [Mike] mmmm you 1071 00:40:07.267 --> 00:40:10.868 taste like iron city and steak umms 1072 00:40:10.868 --> 00:40:14.334 * * 1073 00:40:14.334 --> 00:40:21.334 * * 1074 00:40:21.334 --> 00:40:22.534 You're really beautiful 1075 00:40:22.534 --> 00:40:25.400 [Kevin] Shane McGowan beautiful 1076 00:40:25.400 --> 00:40:27.200 It isn't often I meet a man like you 1077 00:40:27.200 --> 00:40:31.601 I'll remember for the rest of my life. 1078 00:40:31.601 --> 00:40:35.367 [Bill] Booster shots will remind her. 1079 00:40:35.367 --> 00:40:38.934 I promise you 1080 00:40:38.934 --> 00:40:41.467 I will. 1081 00:40:41.467 --> 00:40:42.367 You know that's what I 1082 00:40:42.367 --> 00:40:44.267 like about you baby 1083 00:40:44.267 --> 00:40:46.667 [Mike] Makes up for your repulsive legs! 1084 00:40:46.667 --> 00:40:48.767 I am predictable about one thing 1085 00:40:48.767 --> 00:40:50.300 I never miss. 1086 00:40:50.300 --> 00:40:51.601 (shot fires) 1087 00:40:51.601 --> 00:40:53.100 [Kevin] Bullet proof pillow? 1088 00:40:53.100 --> 00:40:54.968 What is this a Best Western? 1089 00:40:54.968 --> 00:40:57.934 * * 1090 00:40:57.934 --> 00:41:04.334 [Bill] fight choreography by adorable newborn 1091 00:41:04.334 --> 00:41:09.167 kittens. ** 1092 00:41:09.167 --> 00:41:10.734 [Mike] Random arm motions. 1093 00:41:10.734 --> 00:41:12.434 Playground slaps! 1094 00:41:12.434 --> 00:41:15.467 Tickle finishing moves 1095 00:41:15.467 --> 00:41:19.901 [Kevin] Okay kids! 1096 00:41:19.901 --> 00:41:21.200 Lights out up there no rough 1097 00:41:21.200 --> 00:41:22.334 housing or jumping 1098 00:41:22.334 --> 00:41:25.868 on the bed okay? 1099 00:41:25.868 --> 00:41:27.133 (crash) 1100 00:41:27.133 --> 00:41:29.334 [Bill] Yep it's a Best Western alright 1101 00:41:29.334 --> 00:41:32.968 * * 1102 00:41:32.968 --> 00:41:33.934 [Mike] the only way this fight scene 1103 00:41:33.934 --> 00:41:35.400 could be more awkward is 1104 00:41:35.400 --> 00:41:36.701 if she turns out to be 1105 00:41:36.701 --> 00:41:40.400 his sister. * * 1106 00:41:40.400 --> 00:41:42.934 [Bill] Music sounds like Family Feud 1107 00:41:42.934 --> 00:41:46.100 keeps trying to start. 1108 00:41:46.100 --> 00:41:48.234 (crash) 1109 00:41:48.234 --> 00:41:55.400 * * 1110 00:41:55.400 --> 00:41:56.968 [Kevin] Ah! Head butt to the crotch! 1111 00:41:56.968 --> 00:41:57.834 Is that the brain sex 1112 00:41:57.834 --> 00:42:00.467 they keep talking about? 1113 00:42:00.467 --> 00:42:06.167 * * 1114 00:42:06.167 --> 00:42:07.367 (shot fires) 1115 00:42:07.367 --> 00:42:09.767 [Mike] Ah my wedding night 1116 00:42:09.767 --> 00:42:12.667 * * 1117 00:42:12.667 --> 00:42:17.767 * * 1118 00:42:17.767 --> 00:42:21.100 [Bill] I never figured out stairs!!! 1119 00:42:21.100 --> 00:42:22.567 Ow!!! 1120 00:42:22.567 --> 00:42:26.100 * * 1121 00:42:26.100 --> 00:42:27.734 [Mike] They sell cars outside this hotel? 1122 00:42:27.734 --> 00:42:28.968 [Kevin]Nah back in the seventies hotel 1123 00:42:28.968 --> 00:42:31.000 cars were complimentary. 1124 00:42:31.000 --> 00:42:34.901 Better days. 1125 00:42:34.901 --> 00:42:36.400 [Bill] Revolving doors skipped 1126 00:42:36.400 --> 00:42:38.501 to the next track 1127 00:42:38.501 --> 00:42:39.901 She went that way! 1128 00:42:39.901 --> 00:42:43.000 Okay well you follow me. 1129 00:42:43.000 --> 00:42:44.033 [Mike] Your dumb little jalopy 1130 00:42:44.033 --> 00:42:45.501 will be almost as fast as me 1131 00:42:45.501 --> 00:42:46.834 jogging!! 1132 00:42:46.834 --> 00:42:51.167 * * 1133 00:42:51.167 --> 00:42:51.934 [Kevin] Quick stop at 1134 00:42:51.934 --> 00:42:54.000 the garden center 1135 00:42:54.000 --> 00:42:58.067 (music) 1136 00:42:58.067 --> 00:42:59.834 [Bill] Yeah! 1137 00:42:59.834 --> 00:43:01.434 Take that guys who innocently tried to 1138 00:43:01.434 --> 00:43:03.033 protect a half naked woman 1139 00:43:03.033 --> 00:43:04.000 from a man chasing her 1140 00:43:04.000 --> 00:43:05.634 down the street 1141 00:43:05.634 --> 00:43:10.100 (music) 1142 00:43:10.100 --> 00:43:11.234 [Mike] this is that rare chase where 1143 00:43:11.234 --> 00:43:12.300 the people on the street just kind 1144 00:43:12.300 --> 00:43:14.334 of watch and get out of the way 1145 00:43:14.334 --> 00:43:16.167 [Kevin] Yeah if there were two guys 1146 00:43:16.167 --> 00:43:17.634 carrying a big pane of plate glass 1147 00:43:17.634 --> 00:43:18.868 they'd politely pause until 1148 00:43:18.868 --> 00:43:19.667 they chase went past. 1149 00:43:19.667 --> 00:43:20.701 [Bill] Our consideration? 1150 00:43:20.701 --> 00:43:21.767 Fruit stand owner could cost 1151 00:43:21.767 --> 00:43:23.133 Manilla a shuddering up 1152 00:43:23.133 --> 00:43:24.434 closing early for the day! 1153 00:43:24.434 --> 00:43:27.267 * * 1154 00:43:27.267 --> 00:43:33.901 (horns honking) 1155 00:43:33.901 --> 00:43:34.968 [Mike] she's outrunning him 1156 00:43:34.968 --> 00:43:36.968 in three inch heels 1157 00:43:36.968 --> 00:43:37.767 You're never allowed to 1158 00:43:37.767 --> 00:43:38.501 mention your CIA 1159 00:43:38.501 --> 00:43:40.767 badass prevention. 1160 00:43:40.767 --> 00:43:43.701 * * 1161 00:43:43.701 --> 00:43:45.033 [Kevin] Hey slow down lady aren't we supposed 1162 00:43:45.033 --> 00:43:46.300 to cat call you! 1163 00:43:46.300 --> 00:43:48.033 [Bill] Yeah by the time 1164 00:43:48.033 --> 00:43:48.968 I think of something horrible enough 1165 00:43:48.968 --> 00:43:50.334 to say to you you're already 1166 00:43:50.334 --> 00:43:51.367 gone what gives?? 1167 00:43:51.367 --> 00:43:52.901 Oh did any one think of us the 1168 00:43:52.901 --> 00:43:55.033 street creeps of Manilla? 1169 00:43:55.033 --> 00:43:58.100 [Kevin] Yeah 1170 00:43:58.100 --> 00:43:59.000 [Mike] Well it's a dull 1171 00:43:59.000 --> 00:44:00.133 chase but at least we're 1172 00:44:00.133 --> 00:44:01.601 getting a real sense of this place, 1173 00:44:01.601 --> 00:44:05.467 its sites. people, lifestyle. 1174 00:44:05.467 --> 00:44:06.534 [Bill] Oh mother of God 1175 00:44:06.534 --> 00:44:08.167 what went back there!! 1176 00:44:08.167 --> 00:44:08.968 [Kevin] And why aren't all these people 1177 00:44:08.968 --> 00:44:09.901 screaming at the monster 1178 00:44:09.901 --> 00:44:11.434 that just slithered by. 1179 00:44:11.434 --> 00:44:13.267 [Bill] some kind of a land eel 1180 00:44:13.267 --> 00:44:14.834 a rare delicacy 1181 00:44:14.834 --> 00:44:16.834 [Kevin] A remote control gila monster tail? 1182 00:44:16.834 --> 00:44:19.801 [Mike] I'm gonna go with Kathulu's dick! 1183 00:44:19.801 --> 00:44:20.934 [Bill] Seems right. 1184 00:44:20.934 --> 00:44:23.901 Dick it is. 1185 00:44:23.901 --> 00:44:27.133 * * 1186 00:44:27.133 --> 00:44:28.200 [Kevin] Hey you went out of your way 1187 00:44:28.200 --> 00:44:30.067 to do that! 1188 00:44:30.067 --> 00:44:32.000 [Bill] No I didn't-police business! 1189 00:44:32.000 --> 00:44:34.868 (horns honking) 1190 00:44:34.868 --> 00:44:38.100 [Mike] REM is running for office 1191 00:44:38.100 --> 00:44:39.267 [Kevin] It's the end of the same old 1192 00:44:39.267 --> 00:44:41.467 greed and corruption as we know it!!! 1193 00:44:46.133 --> 00:44:47.234 [Bill] Forget REM. I'm voting 1194 00:44:47.234 --> 00:44:48.601 for the lingerie lady! 1195 00:44:48.601 --> 00:44:49.701 [Mike] Wooo lingerie lady for 1196 00:44:49.701 --> 00:44:51.200 president or whatever it is 1197 00:44:51.200 --> 00:44:54.968 we have here!! 1198 00:44:54.968 --> 00:44:56.334 [Kevin] Parade car slalom 1199 00:44:56.334 --> 00:45:00.868 rare chase scene technique 1200 00:45:00.868 --> 00:45:03.200 [Bill] Oh no! 1201 00:45:03.200 --> 00:45:05.467 Don't steal my hideous clown taxi 1202 00:45:05.467 --> 00:45:06.300 I love driving it 1203 00:45:06.300 --> 00:45:07.167 around all day in heavy 1204 00:45:07.167 --> 00:45:14.033 traffic stop please! 1205 00:45:14.033 --> 00:45:14.901 [Mike] Something I've 1206 00:45:14.901 --> 00:45:15.968 learned about Philippines 1207 00:45:15.968 --> 00:45:17.033 in this movie is that all of the 1208 00:45:17.033 --> 00:45:18.100 people are out standing 1209 00:45:18.100 --> 00:45:22.167 in the street all of the time! 1210 00:45:22.167 --> 00:45:23.100 Mr Mike! 1211 00:45:23.100 --> 00:45:24.501 Mr Mike! 1212 00:45:24.501 --> 00:45:26.467 Over here! 1213 00:45:26.467 --> 00:45:27.901 [Kevin] What took you so long??! 1214 00:45:27.901 --> 00:45:28.701 [Bill] Sorry boss I stopped to get 1215 00:45:28.701 --> 00:45:30.534 churros for us but 1216 00:45:30.534 --> 00:45:31.834 I ate all the churros 1217 00:45:31.834 --> 00:45:33.033 so I felt guilty and went back 1218 00:45:33.033 --> 00:45:35.234 for more churros ate those too! 1219 00:45:35.234 --> 00:45:37.000 Then I went back to get more. 1220 00:45:37.000 --> 00:45:39.200 You won't believe what happen 1221 00:45:39.200 --> 00:45:43.200 [Kevin] Yeah yeah I got it thanks. 1222 00:45:43.200 --> 00:45:44.167 [Mike] Not on a first date 1223 00:45:44.167 --> 00:45:47.634 mister!!! 1224 00:45:47.634 --> 00:45:51.467 [Kevin] Okay watch out for the 1225 00:45:51.467 --> 00:45:54.100 those-ow yow!! 1226 00:45:54.100 --> 00:45:55.267 That's very avoidable mistake!! 1227 00:45:55.267 --> 00:45:55.934 [Bill] No it wasn't 1228 00:45:55.934 --> 00:45:58.000 police business! 1229 00:45:58.000 --> 00:45:58.901 [Mike] That was a 1230 00:45:58.901 --> 00:45:59.868 devastating blow to 1231 00:45:59.868 --> 00:46:00.767 Manilla's chickens 1232 00:46:00.767 --> 00:46:02.567 on a stick economy. 1233 00:46:02.567 --> 00:46:08.300 (screeching) 1234 00:46:08.300 --> 00:46:12.234 [Kevin] Who am I and where am I going??? 1235 00:46:12.234 --> 00:46:14.100 [Bill] those cut outs are the 1236 00:46:14.100 --> 00:46:14.767 original wonder women, their very brief cameo 1237 00:46:14.767 --> 00:46:22.167 * * 1238 00:46:22.167 --> 00:46:23.100 [Mike] Horrible rip off with 1239 00:46:23.100 --> 00:46:24.267 that scene in Bullet where they 1240 00:46:24.267 --> 00:46:26.100 race off and steal a floral installment 1241 00:46:26.100 --> 00:46:27.234 and Steve McQueen stops 1242 00:46:27.234 --> 00:46:29.033 to smell a gardenia 1243 00:46:29.033 --> 00:46:34.634 * * 1244 00:46:34.634 --> 00:46:35.501 [Kevin] Out of the way people 1245 00:46:35.501 --> 00:46:36.367 this vehicle's late for 1246 00:46:36.367 --> 00:46:37.267 carrying tourists through 1247 00:46:37.267 --> 00:46:39.434 the It's a Small World ride 1248 00:46:39.434 --> 00:46:44.300 * * 1249 00:46:44.300 --> 00:46:49.133 (screeching) 1250 00:46:49.133 --> 00:46:50.300 [Bill] Oh man!! 1251 00:46:50.300 --> 00:46:51.267 A lot of paid professional 1252 00:46:51.267 --> 00:46:52.400 stuntmen took a lot of 1253 00:46:52.400 --> 00:46:53.200 serious risk for this shoot. 1254 00:46:53.200 --> 00:46:54.667 [Mike] Paid professional 1255 00:46:54.667 --> 00:46:57.501 stunt what now? 1256 00:46:57.501 --> 00:47:01.067 (crash) 1257 00:47:01.067 --> 00:47:02.801 [Kevin] Ow 1258 00:47:02.801 --> 00:47:03.601 and the flower cart was also 1259 00:47:03.601 --> 00:47:04.667 full of chickens on a stick 1260 00:47:04.667 --> 00:47:05.133 for some reason! 1261 00:47:05.133 --> 00:47:11.934 * * 1262 00:47:11.934 --> 00:47:13.567 [Mike] Balloons 1263 00:47:13.567 --> 00:47:15.367 Sure. 1264 00:47:15.367 --> 00:47:17.167 [Mike] Inexplicable balloon shot 1265 00:47:17.167 --> 00:47:18.968 guest directed by ACI films 1266 00:47:18.968 --> 00:47:20.667 [Bill] Avoidable!! 1267 00:47:20.667 --> 00:47:22.534 [Kevin] Police business! 1268 00:47:22.534 --> 00:47:26.767 (screeching) 1269 00:47:26.767 --> 00:47:28.467 [Mike] this is the longest 1270 00:47:28.467 --> 00:47:32.334 police squad intro ever!! 1271 00:47:32.334 --> 00:47:33.434 [Kevin] Whoa that one felt real! 1272 00:47:33.434 --> 00:47:37.801 [Bill] Yeah that guy's dead! 1273 00:47:37.801 --> 00:47:41.701 (crash) 1274 00:47:41.701 --> 00:47:43.367 [Mike] Oh made me spill the yard trimmings 1275 00:47:43.367 --> 00:47:44.801 I carry on my school bus! 1276 00:47:44.801 --> 00:47:46.067 How dare you? 1277 00:47:46.067 --> 00:47:48.834 * * 1278 00:47:48.834 --> 00:47:51.100 [Kevin] Okay guys I no longer remember 1279 00:47:51.100 --> 00:47:53.701 a time when this chase wasn't happening 1280 00:47:53.701 --> 00:47:55.100 [Bill] The chase is life. 1281 00:47:55.100 --> 00:47:56.467 Long live the chase 1282 00:47:56.467 --> 00:47:58.033 [Mike] All hail the flower carts 1283 00:47:58.033 --> 00:47:59.167 our new master 1284 00:47:59.167 --> 00:48:00.901 [Bill] Death to all chickens on a stick! 1285 00:48:00.901 --> 00:48:06.634 * * 1286 00:48:06.634 --> 00:48:09.133 [Kevin] (indistinct) 1287 00:48:09.133 --> 00:48:10.067 [Bill] Which car has a Calvin peeing 1288 00:48:10.067 --> 00:48:13.033 on the Ford logo? 1289 00:48:13.033 --> 00:48:17.868 [Mike] I'd want to jump off a bridge too 1290 00:48:17.868 --> 00:48:22.367 [Kevin] Hey cars whatever. 1291 00:48:22.367 --> 00:48:23.501 I'm more impressed at how 1292 00:48:23.501 --> 00:48:25.367 wide these lanes here! 1293 00:48:25.367 --> 00:48:31.367 Looks like heaven! 1294 00:48:31.367 --> 00:48:33.067 [Bill] Oh get out of there cows! 1295 00:48:33.067 --> 00:48:34.133 Didn't you see what 1296 00:48:34.133 --> 00:48:36.334 happens to chickens on a stick??! 1297 00:48:36.334 --> 00:48:40.601 (screeching) 1298 00:48:40.601 --> 00:48:42.534 [Mike] Keeps getting better 1299 00:48:42.534 --> 00:48:47.968 doesn't it? 1300 00:48:47.968 --> 00:48:48.734 [Kevin] Oh wait! 1301 00:48:48.734 --> 00:48:49.501 I just realized I 1302 00:48:49.501 --> 00:48:50.367 left my phone charger 1303 00:48:50.367 --> 00:48:51.234 at the hotel chase me 1304 00:48:51.234 --> 00:48:52.434 all the way back there? 1305 00:48:52.434 --> 00:48:55.000 [Bill] Sure! 1306 00:48:55.000 --> 00:48:56.234 [Kevin] Oh dear! 1307 00:48:56.234 --> 00:48:59.567 Oregon trail meets grand theft auto 1308 00:48:59.567 --> 00:49:02.801 (crash) 1309 00:49:02.801 --> 00:49:07.133 (crash) 1310 00:49:07.133 --> 00:49:08.267 [Bill] Sure crash into a sign 1311 00:49:08.267 --> 00:49:09.667 nowhere near any water immediately 1312 00:49:09.667 --> 00:49:11.767 drive into some water 1313 00:49:11.767 --> 00:49:15.734 that's just how it works 1314 00:49:15.734 --> 00:49:17.133 [Mike] thank god it's over. 1315 00:49:17.133 --> 00:49:18.734 Somehow I blame the 1316 00:49:18.734 --> 00:49:19.667 length of this chase on 1317 00:49:19.667 --> 00:49:20.968 the sky jacking fad 1318 00:49:20.968 --> 00:49:26.267 they mentioned earlier. 1319 00:49:26.267 --> 00:49:27.234 [Kevin] Aha ha 1320 00:49:27.234 --> 00:49:28.667 So flirty and fun. 1321 00:49:28.667 --> 00:49:29.567 The passengers in the vehicle 1322 00:49:29.567 --> 00:49:30.868 she stole all drowned. 1323 00:49:30.868 --> 00:49:37.200 * * 1324 00:49:37.200 --> 00:49:38.234 [Bill] Wait I'm confused this 1325 00:49:38.234 --> 00:49:40.067 isn't a chase scene? 1326 00:49:40.067 --> 00:49:41.567 [Mike] What's happening?? 1327 00:49:41.567 --> 00:49:44.434 You ready to talk yet? 1328 00:49:44.434 --> 00:49:46.634 Come on sweetheart. 1329 00:49:46.634 --> 00:49:47.601 [Kevin] He failed water boarding 1330 00:49:47.601 --> 00:49:50.968 in CIA school 1331 00:49:50.968 --> 00:49:52.434 Now look at that. 1332 00:49:52.434 --> 00:49:53.300 I've been trying to teach you 1333 00:49:53.300 --> 00:49:54.868 to behave like a lady. 1334 00:49:54.868 --> 00:49:56.767 But you don't seem to appreciate it. 1335 00:49:56.767 --> 00:49:57.734 [Mike] Seems like this is leading to a 1336 00:49:57.734 --> 00:49:59.634 "it rubs the lotion on its skin" 1337 00:49:59.634 --> 00:50:03.901 situation. 1338 00:50:03.901 --> 00:50:05.868 Who are you? 1339 00:50:05.868 --> 00:50:07.868 Why did you try to kill me? 1340 00:50:07.868 --> 00:50:10.734 And where did you come from? 1341 00:50:10.734 --> 00:50:11.801 [Kevin] and will you join my 1342 00:50:11.801 --> 00:50:15.067 revolutionary war reenactment troup? 1343 00:50:15.067 --> 00:50:17.601 So talk! 1344 00:50:17.601 --> 00:50:18.834 [Bill] Just like a 1345 00:50:18.834 --> 00:50:25.868 Norah Ephron rom com 1346 00:50:25.868 --> 00:50:26.734 * *the patient's under 1347 00:50:26.734 --> 00:50:28.567 cortex control doctor. 1348 00:50:28.567 --> 00:50:30.601 Attention attention 1349 00:50:30.601 --> 00:50:33.033 The Harbor party has arrived. 1350 00:50:33.033 --> 00:50:34.801 [Mike] these lunch ladies take 1351 00:50:34.801 --> 00:50:36.701 sneeze guarding really seriously 1352 00:50:36.701 --> 00:50:38.634 Please use all security precautions. 1353 00:50:38.634 --> 00:50:43.701 Take Mr Porter into the alpha room 1354 00:50:43.701 --> 00:50:45.234 Maintain at sixty two 1355 00:50:45.234 --> 00:50:47.300 degrees for twelve hours. 1356 00:50:47.300 --> 00:50:48.033 [Bill] She looks like 1357 00:50:48.033 --> 00:50:48.934 that time Eddie Murphy 1358 00:50:48.934 --> 00:50:50.968 dressed up as a white guy 1359 00:50:50.968 --> 00:50:56.901 * * 1360 00:50:56.901 --> 00:50:58.300 [Kevin] How did they get here? 1361 00:50:58.300 --> 00:50:59.133 [Bill] Don't ask. 1362 00:50:59.133 --> 00:50:59.868 Just be glad it 1363 00:50:59.868 --> 00:51:03.601 wasn't another car chase. 1364 00:51:03.601 --> 00:51:04.300 [Mike] Wanna stop 1365 00:51:04.300 --> 00:51:05.100 to grab me a cardigan 1366 00:51:05.100 --> 00:51:10.400 or something huh you perves? 1367 00:51:10.400 --> 00:51:12.467 Boss boss that time 1368 00:51:12.467 --> 00:51:14.501 [Kevin] I gotta say when you 1369 00:51:14.501 --> 00:51:17.400 get a taxi in Manilla the driver is loyal! 1370 00:51:17.400 --> 00:51:20.033 Be quiet. 1371 00:51:20.033 --> 00:51:21.100 Let me take it in. 1372 00:51:21.100 --> 00:51:21.868 [Mike] Hey baby remember when I 1373 00:51:21.868 --> 00:51:23.234 said that last night? 1374 00:51:23.234 --> 00:51:25.067 [Bill] Oh yeah I think that 1375 00:51:25.067 --> 00:51:26.267 was right before you started crying 1376 00:51:26.267 --> 00:51:27.534 into the pillow and telling me 1377 00:51:27.534 --> 00:51:28.701 about your difficult childhood 1378 00:51:28.701 --> 00:51:29.801 [Mike] I have no idea what you're talking about 1379 00:51:29.801 --> 00:51:31.567 Not in front of the driver 1380 00:51:31.567 --> 00:51:32.300 I want him to think I'm 1381 00:51:32.300 --> 00:51:35.334 cool. (indistinct) 1382 00:51:35.334 --> 00:51:40.167 (bird sounds) 1383 00:51:40.167 --> 00:51:41.534 [Kevin] POV shot provided 1384 00:51:41.534 --> 00:51:45.634 by some creep behind the tree 1385 00:51:45.634 --> 00:51:47.701 Alright back to some 1386 00:51:47.701 --> 00:51:49.467 basics which way? 1387 00:51:49.467 --> 00:51:51.133 You'll never get off the island alive. 1388 00:51:51.133 --> 00:51:52.334 [Mike] well anyway this is a fun 1389 00:51:52.334 --> 00:51:53.534 getaway after I stuck a 1390 00:51:53.534 --> 00:51:55.801 gun in your mouth. 1391 00:51:55.801 --> 00:51:56.701 Don't worry boss I stay 1392 00:51:56.701 --> 00:51:57.601 right here and I'll 1393 00:51:57.601 --> 00:51:58.901 watch my uncle's bunker. 1394 00:51:58.901 --> 00:52:00.634 Your uncle's what? 1395 00:52:00.634 --> 00:52:02.300 My uncle's boat. 1396 00:52:02.300 --> 00:52:04.067 Go I'll be right here 1397 00:52:04.067 --> 00:52:05.434 when you come back. 1398 00:52:05.434 --> 00:52:07.200 and I'll take you home safely. 1399 00:52:07.200 --> 00:52:09.200 [Kevin] I trust your evil 1400 00:52:09.200 --> 00:52:12.067 greasiness completely. (bell chimes) 1401 00:52:12.067 --> 00:52:13.934 No not again. 1402 00:52:13.934 --> 00:52:15.667 Did you see where she went 1403 00:52:15.667 --> 00:52:17.167 [Bill] Of course he did so did you 1404 00:52:17.167 --> 00:52:19.567 she was one foot away from you both. 1405 00:52:19.567 --> 00:52:20.667 Don't take your eyes off of her 1406 00:52:20.667 --> 00:52:22.300 She's very sneaky. 1407 00:52:22.300 --> 00:52:25.467 No shit. 1408 00:52:25.467 --> 00:52:26.334 [Mike] Heavily guarded 1409 00:52:26.334 --> 00:52:30.133 at Nicolas Cage's house. 1410 00:52:30.133 --> 00:52:32.067 I'm sorry. 1411 00:52:32.067 --> 00:52:33.067 I tried. 1412 00:52:33.067 --> 00:52:34.634 [Kevin] I just 1413 00:52:34.634 --> 00:52:35.300 couldn't finish a 1414 00:52:35.300 --> 00:52:36.200 whole hot pocket. 1415 00:52:36.200 --> 00:52:39.367 He's so damned unpredictable. 1416 00:52:39.367 --> 00:52:41.000 Sit down Linda. 1417 00:52:41.000 --> 00:52:41.934 [Bill] Also this is a hearing 1418 00:52:41.934 --> 00:52:43.100 in the future please wear 1419 00:52:43.100 --> 00:52:47.734 formal black lingerie 1420 00:52:47.734 --> 00:52:49.267 It might be amusing to have you two 1421 00:52:49.267 --> 00:52:51.234 exchange parts. 1422 00:52:51.234 --> 00:52:52.133 You my dear with your 1423 00:52:52.133 --> 00:52:54.167 lovely face and figure 1424 00:52:54.167 --> 00:52:55.667 He with his brain and sex? 1425 00:52:55.667 --> 00:52:56.300 [Mike] Are they talking 1426 00:52:56.300 --> 00:52:57.501 about Carl Sagan? 1427 00:52:57.501 --> 00:52:59.234 Dr Sue let me have another chance? 1428 00:52:59.234 --> 00:53:01.167 I know him 1429 00:53:01.167 --> 00:53:02.834 [Kevin] Wow a lot of skin oil 1430 00:53:02.834 --> 00:53:04.501 on the seams of this chair. 1431 00:53:04.501 --> 00:53:05.434 I'll find him for you 1432 00:53:05.434 --> 00:53:07.133 and I'll bring him back. 1433 00:53:07.133 --> 00:53:08.801 Let her have another go at it 1434 00:53:08.801 --> 00:53:11.501 After all what have we got to lose? 1435 00:53:11.501 --> 00:53:12.534 [Bill] What if he uses his 1436 00:53:12.534 --> 00:53:14.267 brain in sex on us? 1437 00:53:14.267 --> 00:53:16.167 Ewwwww. 1438 00:53:16.167 --> 00:53:17.567 I won't. 1439 00:53:17.567 --> 00:53:19.434 You can count on it. 1440 00:53:19.434 --> 00:53:20.601 [Mike] Well off to another 1441 00:53:20.601 --> 00:53:22.868 ten minute chase scene 1442 00:53:22.868 --> 00:53:25.467 Laura keep a watch on Linda. 1443 00:53:25.467 --> 00:53:26.868 You can count on it. 1444 00:53:26.868 --> 00:53:30.300 * * 1445 00:53:30.300 --> 00:53:31.334 [Kevin] Sale on Maybelline! 1446 00:53:31.334 --> 00:53:33.000 Let's move move move people! 1447 00:53:33.000 --> 00:53:38.400 * * 1448 00:53:38.400 --> 00:53:39.667 [Mike] Dang! 1449 00:53:39.667 --> 00:53:41.367 Snagged my sex on a tree branch 1450 00:53:41.367 --> 00:53:47.501 * * 1451 00:53:47.501 --> 00:53:48.567 [Mike] It's also how 1452 00:53:48.567 --> 00:53:51.067 they book guests for The View 1453 00:53:51.067 --> 00:53:55.300 * * 1454 00:53:55.300 --> 00:53:56.701 [Kevin] You-grab some banana leaves 1455 00:53:56.701 --> 00:53:58.634 and craft us some sexy new panties 1456 00:53:58.634 --> 00:54:00.133 You just I don't know! 1457 00:54:00.133 --> 00:54:02.133 Go go go dance over there somewhere. 1458 00:54:02.133 --> 00:54:03.801 The rest of you 1459 00:54:03.801 --> 00:54:04.734 follow me and I promise you 1460 00:54:04.734 --> 00:54:05.667 we'll have a pillow fight 1461 00:54:05.667 --> 00:54:07.667 on the bed later 1462 00:54:07.667 --> 00:54:10.801 * * 1463 00:54:10.801 --> 00:54:12.000 [Bill] Benny Hill watches this scene 1464 00:54:12.000 --> 00:54:14.167 and wipes a single admiring tear off 1465 00:54:14.167 --> 00:54:19.234 his eye. ** 1466 00:54:19.234 --> 00:54:20.267 [Mike] Suddenly realizes the crazy 1467 00:54:20.267 --> 00:54:21.567 Hammond Organ soundtrack 1468 00:54:21.567 --> 00:54:22.901 was the only thing 1469 00:54:22.901 --> 00:54:27.534 driving him on. (shots fire) 1470 00:54:27.534 --> 00:54:28.767 (shots fire) 1471 00:54:28.767 --> 00:54:31.167 [Kevin] Don't shoot my brain or my sex! 1472 00:54:31.167 --> 00:54:34.567 * * 1473 00:54:34.567 --> 00:54:35.467 [Bill] for the record 1474 00:54:35.467 --> 00:54:37.133 guys this is how I want to die 1475 00:54:37.133 --> 00:54:38.167 [Mike] Oh good because 1476 00:54:38.167 --> 00:54:39.167 this is the Rifftrax 1477 00:54:39.167 --> 00:54:40.200 retirement plan. 1478 00:54:40.200 --> 00:54:41.100 [Bill] Really? 1479 00:54:41.100 --> 00:54:41.968 [Mike] Yeah you signed up 1480 00:54:41.968 --> 00:54:43.000 for the bronze plan 1481 00:54:43.000 --> 00:54:44.133 which is to be gunned down 1482 00:54:44.133 --> 00:54:45.434 in the Filipine jungle by a 1483 00:54:45.434 --> 00:54:47.367 bunch of women in mini dresses 1484 00:54:47.367 --> 00:54:49.367 [Bill] Well for once not actually 1485 00:54:49.367 --> 00:54:51.801 reading an important document pays off! 1486 00:54:51.801 --> 00:54:57.133 * * 1487 00:54:57.133 --> 00:55:01.367 * * 1488 00:55:01.367 --> 00:55:04.300 * * 1489 00:55:04.300 --> 00:55:07.667 (shot fires) 1490 00:55:07.667 --> 00:55:09.267 [Mike] Here's another chase 1491 00:55:09.267 --> 00:55:10.534 scene for ya! 1492 00:55:10.534 --> 00:55:11.601 There's some more jungle chase 1493 00:55:11.601 --> 00:55:13.000 scene for ya! 1494 00:55:13.000 --> 00:55:14.000 How about a woman 1495 00:55:14.000 --> 00:55:15.534 shot by a shot gun?** 1496 00:55:15.534 --> 00:55:17.267 Blasted in. 1497 00:55:17.267 --> 00:55:19.767 By a hero shot gun! (humming) 1498 00:55:19.767 --> 00:55:21.067 In the face! 1499 00:55:21.067 --> 00:55:22.167 (all guys) Shot a woman 1500 00:55:22.167 --> 00:55:23.868 in the face! 1501 00:55:23.868 --> 00:55:26.501 With a shot gun in the face! 1502 00:55:26.501 --> 00:55:28.701 With a shot gun in the face! 1503 00:55:28.701 --> 00:55:31.901 He's a hero * * 1504 00:55:31.901 --> 00:55:34.868 He's a hero!! 1505 00:55:34.868 --> 00:55:36.767 Blasting women with 1506 00:55:36.767 --> 00:55:39.367 a shot gun to the 1507 00:55:39.367 --> 00:55:42.968 face!!!!Yeah!! 1508 00:55:42.968 --> 00:55:48.467 * * 1509 00:55:48.467 --> 00:55:49.801 (all guys) So many faces 1510 00:55:49.801 --> 00:55:51.133 so few shot guns 1511 00:55:51.133 --> 00:55:52.501 So many faces 1512 00:55:52.501 --> 00:55:57.200 So few shot guns yeah! 1513 00:55:57.200 --> 00:55:59.901 Ah. 1514 00:55:59.901 --> 00:56:01.200 [Bill] Linda's bottom jaw is a 1515 00:56:01.200 --> 00:56:02.467 foamy mess of blood 1516 00:56:02.467 --> 00:56:03.734 and tooth fragments 1517 00:56:03.734 --> 00:56:06.133 haha. 1518 00:56:06.133 --> 00:56:07.100 Ladies. 1519 00:56:07.100 --> 00:56:08.968 [Kevin] Hey that's our line! 1520 00:56:08.968 --> 00:56:11.667 Ahhhh 1521 00:56:11.667 --> 00:56:13.467 My own volcano soup is 1522 00:56:13.467 --> 00:56:16.000 the finest I've ever tasted. 1523 00:56:16.000 --> 00:56:17.601 My chef's survival depends 1524 00:56:17.601 --> 00:56:20.267 on her ability to satisfy my taste 1525 00:56:20.267 --> 00:56:22.167 [Mike] Yeah I didn't a word of that 1526 00:56:22.167 --> 00:56:25.534 but I'm sure it was kind of evil 1527 00:56:25.534 --> 00:56:26.334 Well if it isn't the 1528 00:56:26.334 --> 00:56:29.100 indestructible Mr Harbor 1529 00:56:29.100 --> 00:56:30.834 Well don't let me interrupt your snack. 1530 00:56:30.834 --> 00:56:32.300 We've been looking foward to this 1531 00:56:32.300 --> 00:56:34.400 meeting with great anticipation. 1532 00:56:34.400 --> 00:56:35.367 [Bill] Trying to murder you 1533 00:56:35.367 --> 00:56:36.567 with some machine guns 1534 00:56:36.567 --> 00:56:37.534 earlier it was our way of 1535 00:56:37.534 --> 00:56:39.701 inviting you to brunch. 1536 00:56:39.701 --> 00:56:41.701 I'll take a rain check on it. 1537 00:56:41.701 --> 00:56:44.000 Sit down Mr Harbor 1538 00:56:44.000 --> 00:56:44.734 [Kevin] would you like 1539 00:56:44.734 --> 00:56:45.634 soup or salad before I 1540 00:56:45.634 --> 00:56:46.601 filet your genitals and 1541 00:56:46.601 --> 00:56:49.067 store them in plastic bags? 1542 00:56:49.067 --> 00:56:53.868 * * 1543 00:56:53.868 --> 00:56:55.133 [Mike] It's be great if she serves 1544 00:56:55.133 --> 00:56:56.367 roasted wang wang with a tiny 1545 00:56:56.367 --> 00:56:58.467 apple in his mouth. 1546 00:56:58.467 --> 00:57:00.267 I think you're going to 1547 00:57:00.267 --> 00:57:01.200 be a most interesting diversion. 1548 00:57:01.200 --> 00:57:02.734 I got a good idea but 1549 00:57:02.734 --> 00:57:04.400 I'm gonna ask you anyway 1550 00:57:04.400 --> 00:57:06.934 What type of business you in? 1551 00:57:06.934 --> 00:57:08.667 Transplants Mr Harbor 1552 00:57:08.667 --> 00:57:10.234 Transplants. 1553 00:57:10.234 --> 00:57:11.400 [Bill] Like LA transplants you 1554 00:57:11.400 --> 00:57:12.634 move up to Portland to drink 1555 00:57:12.634 --> 00:57:15.267 Micro brews and grow facial hair? 1556 00:57:15.267 --> 00:57:19.734 Listen uh what's old fish nose 1557 00:57:19.734 --> 00:57:21.734 got to do with transplants? 1558 00:57:21.734 --> 00:57:23.000 Mr Degory seeks out clients 1559 00:57:23.000 --> 00:57:25.767 and arranges the financial agreement. 1560 00:57:25.767 --> 00:57:27.701 [Kevin] also his fish nose 1561 00:57:27.701 --> 00:57:28.300 helps sniff out rotting crustaceans 1562 00:57:28.300 --> 00:57:29.567 on the sea bed 1563 00:57:29.567 --> 00:57:31.801 See that explains the kidnapping 1564 00:57:31.801 --> 00:57:33.033 of the jai alai 1565 00:57:33.033 --> 00:57:34.167 player what's his name 1566 00:57:34.167 --> 00:57:35.434 and the other missing athletes. 1567 00:57:35.434 --> 00:57:37.200 [Mike] did he use his brain or his sex? 1568 00:57:37.200 --> 00:57:39.067 to figure that out. 1569 00:57:39.067 --> 00:57:41.868 Strong young bodies are at a premium 1570 00:57:41.868 --> 00:57:43.634 And how high are these premiums? 1571 00:57:43.634 --> 00:57:45.434 As high as the market will bear Mr Harbor. 1572 00:57:45.434 --> 00:57:47.367 [Bill] Gaw fish nose guys will 1573 00:57:47.367 --> 00:57:49.300 never give you a straight answer 1574 00:57:49.300 --> 00:57:50.200 You're not exactly what I would 1575 00:57:50.200 --> 00:57:52.701 consider blue ribbon material. 1576 00:57:52.701 --> 00:57:54.834 First class merchandise. 1577 00:57:54.834 --> 00:57:57.200 But with Mr Degory's 1578 00:57:57.200 --> 00:57:59.067 superb negotiating 1579 00:57:59.067 --> 00:58:01.300 [Kevin] Ha ha ha 1580 00:58:01.300 --> 00:58:02.167 we could maybe 1581 00:58:02.167 --> 00:58:03.701 command four to five hundred 1582 00:58:03.701 --> 00:58:05.801 thousand dollars for your body 1583 00:58:05.801 --> 00:58:07.400 [Mike] But then we got 2.3 million 1584 00:58:07.400 --> 00:58:09.200 for Ernest Borgnine. 1585 00:58:09.200 --> 00:58:10.968 With all due respect 1586 00:58:10.968 --> 00:58:12.300 doctor I think you're a bit high. 1587 00:58:12.300 --> 00:58:13.734 I mean I would 1588 00:58:13.734 --> 00:58:15.167 have to sell him completely 1589 00:58:15.167 --> 00:58:17.567 on his uh virility 1590 00:58:17.567 --> 00:58:18.834 [Bill] What does he currently 1591 00:58:18.834 --> 00:58:20.067 have a boner??!! 1592 00:58:20.067 --> 00:58:21.767 A few years younger. 1593 00:58:21.767 --> 00:58:25.067 You're quite right Degory. 1594 00:58:25.067 --> 00:58:26.968 And enough of these socialities. 1595 00:58:26.968 --> 00:58:28.767 I'm sure Mr Harbor's anxious 1596 00:58:28.767 --> 00:58:31.267 to look over his new home? 1597 00:58:31.267 --> 00:58:33.701 Sure why not? 1598 00:58:33.701 --> 00:58:36.334 [Kevin] And this is the room 1599 00:58:36.334 --> 00:58:38.434 where we cut off your virility 1600 00:58:38.434 --> 00:58:39.667 [Mike] Uh cool very modern. 1601 00:58:39.667 --> 00:58:44.133 Wait what? 1602 00:58:44.133 --> 00:58:45.067 [Bill] Could you maybe hang up 1603 00:58:45.067 --> 00:58:46.100 a Starsky and Hutch poster? 1604 00:58:46.100 --> 00:58:52.033 or something? 1605 00:58:52.033 --> 00:58:53.067 [Kevin] It's great here 1606 00:58:53.067 --> 00:58:56.934 (muffled) Yeah you'll love it! 1607 00:58:56.934 --> 00:58:58.934 Isn't it uh 1608 00:58:58.934 --> 00:59:02.701 It will be my most important achievement 1609 00:59:02.701 --> 00:59:05.934 Complete brain and body transplant. 1610 00:59:05.934 --> 00:59:07.167 [Bill] so they 1611 00:59:07.167 --> 00:59:08.300 take a whole human and transplant 1612 00:59:08.300 --> 00:59:10.400 another whole human? 1613 00:59:10.400 --> 00:59:13.234 I gotta get into that racket. 1614 00:59:13.234 --> 00:59:15.234 He died eight hours ago. 1615 00:59:15.234 --> 00:59:17.300 He's still breathing. 1616 00:59:17.300 --> 00:59:18.834 I have placed him 1617 00:59:18.834 --> 00:59:20.567 under alpha control consciousness. 1618 00:59:20.567 --> 00:59:22.667 so his brain 1619 00:59:22.667 --> 00:59:24.868 will not deteriorate from 1620 00:59:24.868 --> 00:59:26.033 lack of oxygen. 1621 00:59:26.033 --> 00:59:26.934 [Kevin] That's pretty easy if you 1622 00:59:26.934 --> 00:59:28.067 buy the four most annoying 1623 00:59:28.067 --> 00:59:32.367 spinning lights on the planet!! 1624 00:59:32.367 --> 00:59:34.968 Hey isn't that uh? 1625 00:59:34.968 --> 00:59:36.334 The jai alai player. 1626 00:59:36.334 --> 00:59:37.501 Your jai lai player 1627 00:59:37.501 --> 00:59:39.133 [Mike] Can I have his prostate? 1628 00:59:39.133 --> 00:59:40.167 Is he dead? 1629 00:59:40.167 --> 00:59:41.267 On the contrary he's 1630 00:59:41.267 --> 00:59:43.100 in perfect physical condition. 1631 00:59:43.100 --> 00:59:44.901 But in a comatose state. 1632 00:59:44.901 --> 00:59:47.834 [Bill] Like Channing Tatum's acting! 1633 00:59:47.834 --> 00:59:49.734 Now Mr Harbor. 1634 00:59:49.734 --> 00:59:51.667 Ultimately you will end up here 1635 00:59:51.667 --> 00:59:53.133 That's my gyroscope. 1636 00:59:53.133 --> 00:59:53.801 [Kevin] you can get them 1637 00:59:53.801 --> 00:59:55.200 at Spencer's gifts 1638 00:59:55.200 --> 00:59:56.834 A what?? 1639 00:59:56.834 --> 00:59:58.067 My vital organs vault. 1640 00:59:58.067 --> 00:59:59.400 Oh. 1641 00:59:59.400 --> 01:00:01.367 You mean to tell me 1642 01:00:01.367 --> 01:00:02.734 these things still work? 1643 01:00:02.734 --> 01:00:04.033 [Mike] He's got no problem of the 1644 01:00:04.033 --> 01:00:06.067 morality of kidnapping 1645 01:00:06.067 --> 01:00:07.234 and hacking up humans 1646 01:00:07.234 --> 01:00:09.000 he's just kind of mildly 1647 01:00:09.000 --> 01:00:10.567 irritated by the whole process. 1648 01:00:10.567 --> 01:00:14.968 (mumbling) 1649 01:00:14.968 --> 01:00:16.968 Incredible. 1650 01:00:16.968 --> 01:00:18.467 Credibility is the matter of 1651 01:00:18.467 --> 01:00:20.834 exposure and conditioning. 1652 01:00:20.834 --> 01:00:21.501 [Mike] Could you put a boob 1653 01:00:21.501 --> 01:00:23.100 in this thing? 1654 01:00:23.100 --> 01:00:24.033 A few years ago 1655 01:00:24.033 --> 01:00:25.067 An interplanetary flight 1656 01:00:25.067 --> 01:00:28.067 was considered incredible. 1657 01:00:28.067 --> 01:00:30.634 But now it's a simple matter of fact. 1658 01:00:30.634 --> 01:00:31.634 Such as this. 1659 01:00:31.634 --> 01:00:32.467 [Kevin] You have inter planetary 1660 01:00:32.467 --> 01:00:34.000 flight in your pantry? 1661 01:00:34.000 --> 01:00:38.801 A high frequency sound wave. 1662 01:00:38.801 --> 01:00:40.267 I gotta hand it to you Doc. 1663 01:00:40.267 --> 01:00:41.968 [Mike] I got to hand 1664 01:00:41.968 --> 01:00:43.133 you my sex I mean ehhhh. 1665 01:00:43.133 --> 01:00:45.133 You don't waste a damn thing do you. 1666 01:00:45.133 --> 01:00:46.567 Nothing. 1667 01:00:46.567 --> 01:00:48.300 Not even my failures. 1668 01:00:48.300 --> 01:00:51.901 I call him Tyrannosaurus Rex 1669 01:00:51.901 --> 01:00:53.467 After the dinosaur. 1670 01:00:53.467 --> 01:00:54.834 [Bill] Oh after the dinosaur 1671 01:00:54.834 --> 01:00:55.868 not after the line of 1672 01:00:55.868 --> 01:00:58.067 skin care products?? 1673 01:00:58.067 --> 01:00:59.501 I wouldn't get too close if I were you 1674 01:00:59.501 --> 01:01:02.501 That's Goliath. 1675 01:01:02.501 --> 01:01:04.067 Now let me 1676 01:01:04.067 --> 01:01:06.334 introduce you to my pet Shangri la. 1677 01:01:06.334 --> 01:01:07.100 [Kevin] She's professor of 1678 01:01:07.100 --> 01:01:08.868 women's studies at Vassar. 1679 01:01:08.868 --> 01:01:10.501 Brain transplant. 1680 01:01:10.501 --> 01:01:12.234 I had to use the brain of an ape. 1681 01:01:12.234 --> 01:01:15.434 (indistinct) 1682 01:01:15.434 --> 01:01:18.467 There's Colosis. 1683 01:01:18.467 --> 01:01:20.634 Didn't he used to play basketball? 1684 01:01:20.634 --> 01:01:22.367 Mmm hmmm. 1685 01:01:22.367 --> 01:01:23.133 [Mike] Couldn't make the grade 1686 01:01:23.133 --> 01:01:24.501 in jai alai huh? 1687 01:01:24.501 --> 01:01:25.701 He's terribly upset when he's ignored. 1688 01:01:25.701 --> 01:01:28.267 I think he's jealous. 1689 01:01:28.267 --> 01:01:29.701 [Bill] Whoa take the ice cream pail 1690 01:01:29.701 --> 01:01:30.968 off my head I'm actually 1691 01:01:30.968 --> 01:01:33.934 a very nice guy! 1692 01:01:33.934 --> 01:01:35.767 We live in an age where 1693 01:01:35.767 --> 01:01:37.000 fact and fiction are two sides of 1694 01:01:37.000 --> 01:01:39.234 the same coin. 1695 01:01:39.234 --> 01:01:41.267 These are creatures which I created. 1696 01:01:41.267 --> 01:01:43.367 Granted they are mistakes 1697 01:01:43.367 --> 01:01:44.200 [Kevin] Mistake?? 1698 01:01:44.200 --> 01:01:44.934 I feel like I am 1699 01:01:44.934 --> 01:01:46.033 at my peak. 1700 01:01:46.033 --> 01:01:48.567 [Bill] Oh shut up Collosis! 1701 01:01:48.567 --> 01:01:54.567 I have a delightful surprise for you. 1702 01:01:54.567 --> 01:01:56.400 [Kevin] it's not really 1703 01:01:56.400 --> 01:01:57.501 committed to the hands up thing 1704 01:01:57.501 --> 01:01:59.667 It's a different kind of experiment 1705 01:01:59.667 --> 01:02:01.033 one I'm sure you 1706 01:02:01.033 --> 01:02:02.667 will enjoy. 1707 01:02:02.667 --> 01:02:03.334 Lead on Doc you haven't 1708 01:02:03.334 --> 01:02:05.501 disappointed me yet 1709 01:02:05.501 --> 01:02:06.634 [Bill] I recently added Dolby 1710 01:02:06.634 --> 01:02:09.801 to my mind control machine 1711 01:02:09.801 --> 01:02:10.767 got the light show 1712 01:02:10.767 --> 01:02:14.667 from Hammacher Schlemmer 1713 01:02:14.667 --> 01:02:16.334 [Mike] looks like a typical 70s talk show 1714 01:02:16.334 --> 01:02:18.968 There are thousands of erotic 1715 01:02:18.968 --> 01:02:20.968 areas not fully experienced 1716 01:02:20.968 --> 01:02:22.801 by the ordinary mind. 1717 01:02:22.801 --> 01:02:25.534 [Kevin] Hehhh 1718 01:02:25.534 --> 01:02:26.400 [Kevin] As long as sex is in 1719 01:02:26.400 --> 01:02:28.334 the title I'm for it 1720 01:02:28.334 --> 01:02:34.868 (buzzing) 1721 01:02:34.868 --> 01:02:35.868 [Kevin] No I don't think I'm doing 1722 01:02:35.868 --> 01:02:37.234 this right I'm just seeing cartoons 1723 01:02:37.234 --> 01:02:40.133 in my head. 1724 01:02:40.133 --> 01:02:45.100 * * 1725 01:02:45.100 --> 01:02:50.000 [Mike] UGhh his brain has BO 1726 01:02:50.000 --> 01:02:51.334 [Kevin] Uh Ross the machine hasn't 1727 01:02:51.334 --> 01:02:54.567 started yet that's just you! 1728 01:02:54.567 --> 01:02:59.501 * * 1729 01:02:59.501 --> 01:03:04.667 [Bill] Yah! Stop that! 1730 01:03:04.667 --> 01:03:05.667 [Mike] okay let's get 1731 01:03:05.667 --> 01:03:09.167 this over with. (music) 1732 01:03:09.167 --> 01:03:14.000 (music intensifies) 1733 01:03:14.000 --> 01:03:15.300 [Kevin] you know when I got here today 1734 01:03:15.300 --> 01:03:16.467 I didn't expect to see the 1735 01:03:16.467 --> 01:03:17.567 most vomit inducing thing 1736 01:03:17.567 --> 01:03:22.667 ever committed to film!!! 1737 01:03:22.667 --> 01:03:27.100 [Mike] No legs ha ha! 1738 01:03:27.100 --> 01:03:28.667 [Bill] Ha Accidentally patched 1739 01:03:28.667 --> 01:03:29.534 this guy into a 1740 01:03:29.534 --> 01:03:32.167 three way! 1741 01:03:32.167 --> 01:03:33.634 How do you stop it? 1742 01:03:33.634 --> 01:03:36.300 Reaction negative. 1743 01:03:36.300 --> 01:03:38.033 [Mike] Yeah you seem really 1744 01:03:38.033 --> 01:03:39.067 worked up about it sister 1745 01:03:39.067 --> 01:03:41.267 Emergency! Emergency! 1746 01:03:41.267 --> 01:03:41.968 The brain is slow to the 1747 01:03:41.968 --> 01:03:43.734 the variation point. 1748 01:03:43.734 --> 01:03:45.100 Notify doctor Sue. 1749 01:03:45.100 --> 01:03:46.767 Emergency 1750 01:03:46.767 --> 01:03:48.133 Emergency doctor Sue 1751 01:03:48.133 --> 01:03:50.801 [Kevin] always happens when I'm brain sexing!! 1752 01:03:50.801 --> 01:03:52.601 Doctor Sue Emergency! 1753 01:03:52.601 --> 01:03:55.067 [Bill] sorry Kevin 1754 01:03:55.067 --> 01:03:57.434 Prepare for surgery immediately 1755 01:03:57.434 --> 01:04:00.100 [Bill] and get me a brain cigarette! 1756 01:04:00.100 --> 01:04:03.734 I will rejoin you later. 1757 01:04:03.734 --> 01:04:05.834 [Mike] Ahhhh love you too! 1758 01:04:10.834 --> 01:04:11.968 [Kevin] and bring me a sandwich 1759 01:04:11.968 --> 01:04:15.534 will ya zzzzzz! 1760 01:04:15.534 --> 01:04:18.601 Have Vera join me in the operating 1761 01:04:18.601 --> 01:04:20.200 room immediately 1762 01:04:20.200 --> 01:04:22.634 [Bill] I want my brain power washed! 1763 01:04:22.634 --> 01:04:23.701 Arrest her 1764 01:04:23.701 --> 01:04:25.033 place her in detention. 1765 01:04:25.033 --> 01:04:25.868 And schedule her for 1766 01:04:25.868 --> 01:04:26.901 a complete dissection, 1767 01:04:26.901 --> 01:04:28.801 [Mike] and a Brazilian. 1768 01:04:28.801 --> 01:04:29.667 Take her away. 1769 01:04:29.667 --> 01:04:33.901 Move! 1770 01:04:33.901 --> 01:04:34.601 Guard! 1771 01:04:34.601 --> 01:04:36.267 [Kevin] Yes my child? 1772 01:04:36.267 --> 01:04:38.067 Take Mr Harbor to my office. 1773 01:04:38.067 --> 01:04:39.067 [Kevin] Uh sorry could have 1774 01:04:39.067 --> 01:04:42.067 sworn you said God there, God out. 1775 01:04:42.067 --> 01:04:47.000 (footsteps) 1776 01:04:47.000 --> 01:04:48.033 [Bill] Take your time we'll wait. 1777 01:04:48.033 --> 01:04:51.100 Stroll at your own pace 1778 01:04:51.100 --> 01:04:54.634 (footsteps) 1779 01:04:54.634 --> 01:04:57.634 [Mike] What are you? 1780 01:04:57.634 --> 01:04:59.801 Are you fitness walking? 1781 01:04:59.801 --> 01:05:01.300 Why are you doing that? 1782 01:05:01.300 --> 01:05:03.534 Stop it! 1783 01:05:03.534 --> 01:05:08.300 (footsteps) 1784 01:05:08.300 --> 01:05:10.334 [Kevin] ah taking her down to the 1785 01:05:10.334 --> 01:05:11.234 secret bunker to meet the real mastermind 1786 01:05:11.234 --> 01:05:14.534 behind all of this--Becky Hitler 1787 01:05:19.767 --> 01:05:22.934 [Bill] Their landscapers way into zelda 1788 01:05:22.934 --> 01:05:27.601 (music) 1789 01:05:27.601 --> 01:05:29.834 [Kevin] Check out how young my hands look! 1790 01:05:34.968 --> 01:05:36.033 [Mike] so, you want to patty cake 1791 01:05:36.033 --> 01:05:36.801 huh? 1792 01:05:36.801 --> 01:05:38.567 Bring it! 1793 01:05:42.234 --> 01:05:43.801 [Kevin] this fight scene has it all-slapping 1794 01:05:43.801 --> 01:05:47.000 shoving and of course falling over 1795 01:05:47.000 --> 01:05:51.000 * * 1796 01:05:51.000 --> 01:05:53.501 [Bill] you know if it had more of this maybe 1797 01:05:53.501 --> 01:05:56.467 Spice World wouldn't have flopped so badly 1798 01:05:56.467 --> 01:06:01.567 * * 1799 01:06:01.567 --> 01:06:04.834 [Mike] Hang on.. aggghhh okay!! 1800 01:06:07.200 --> 01:06:08.167 [Kevin] Come on Vogue! 1801 01:06:08.167 --> 01:06:09.100 you call that Vogue-ing??? 1802 01:06:09.100 --> 01:06:13.267 Come on!!! 1803 01:06:13.267 --> 01:06:14.701 [Bill] Wonder women!!!! 1804 01:06:14.701 --> 01:06:15.934 Their motto 1805 01:06:15.934 --> 01:06:23.067 Fighting is hard!! 1806 01:06:23.067 --> 01:06:28.067 [Kevin] He caaaaved Ah!!! 1807 01:06:28.067 --> 01:06:29.300 (slap) [Kevin] and she's brought 1808 01:06:29.300 --> 01:06:31.667 down by an ear slap 1809 01:06:31.667 --> 01:06:35.534 (gong sounds) 1810 01:06:40.534 --> 01:06:45.334 Linda don't shoot I want out too. 1811 01:06:45.334 --> 01:06:46.868 Together we can make it. 1812 01:06:46.868 --> 01:06:49.033 Good. 1813 01:06:49.033 --> 01:06:50.534 Let's get Mike out. 1814 01:06:50.534 --> 01:06:51.167 Just a minute we need to 1815 01:06:51.167 --> 01:06:51.868 create a diversion 1816 01:06:51.868 --> 01:06:52.868 or it won't work. 1817 01:06:52.868 --> 01:06:54.601 You're right what will we do? 1818 01:06:54.601 --> 01:06:55.534 [Mike] Well erotic dance 1819 01:06:55.534 --> 01:06:57.367 of course. 1820 01:06:57.367 --> 01:06:58.501 Dr Suesfreks. 1821 01:06:58.501 --> 01:06:59.100 Good. 1822 01:06:59.100 --> 01:07:00.200 You take this. 1823 01:07:00.200 --> 01:07:01.200 Go down let him out, 1824 01:07:01.200 --> 01:07:02.033 I'll get Mike. 1825 01:07:02.033 --> 01:07:02.934 We'll meet at the boat dock, 1826 01:07:02.934 --> 01:07:04.567 Right 1827 01:07:04.567 --> 01:07:05.934 * *[Kevin] Most dangerous 1828 01:07:05.934 --> 01:07:07.334 part of being a wonder woman? 1829 01:07:07.334 --> 01:07:09.767 The chafing. ** 1830 01:07:09.767 --> 01:07:16.501 * * 1831 01:07:16.501 --> 01:07:18.567 (shot fires) 1832 01:07:18.567 --> 01:07:19.868 [Bill] Wow she paint balled the door open 1833 01:07:19.868 --> 01:07:26.033 * * 1834 01:07:26.033 --> 01:07:27.901 [Mike] And they're off and running 1835 01:07:27.901 --> 01:07:29.100 Glen Howard takes an early 1836 01:07:29.100 --> 01:07:32.167 lead followed by caveman Trent Resner, Matchhead, 1837 01:07:32.167 --> 01:07:33.234 and bringing up the rear 1838 01:07:33.234 --> 01:07:38.400 the smarter version of Dennis Rodman 1839 01:07:38.400 --> 01:07:39.734 [Kevin] Ah dropped my damn keys 1840 01:07:39.734 --> 01:07:40.934 in this guy's brain. 1841 01:07:40.934 --> 01:07:48.033 Never gonna get them out! 1842 01:07:48.033 --> 01:07:48.767 Alert!!!! 1843 01:07:48.767 --> 01:07:49.501 Alert!! 1844 01:07:49.501 --> 01:07:51.133 Escape in progress! 1845 01:07:51.133 --> 01:07:52.234 The Cage rooms specimens 1846 01:07:52.234 --> 01:07:53.400 are loose. 1847 01:07:53.400 --> 01:07:54.400 [Bill] folks feel free to use 1848 01:07:54.400 --> 01:07:56.167 the name cage room specimens for your 1849 01:07:56.167 --> 01:07:58.667 metal band! 1850 01:07:58.667 --> 01:07:59.634 Escape in progress! 1851 01:07:59.634 --> 01:08:01.801 The Cage Room Specimens are loose! 1852 01:08:01.801 --> 01:08:04.300 Close the door. 1853 01:08:04.300 --> 01:08:06.133 [Mike] and get me 1854 01:08:06.133 --> 01:08:09.100 fresh vinyl seat cover for my head. 1855 01:08:09.100 --> 01:08:10.601 Attention Cage Room specimens 1856 01:08:10.601 --> 01:08:12.901 are to be destroyed on site! 1857 01:08:12.901 --> 01:08:16.133 [Kevin] off to the Freddy Mercury cosplay con 1858 01:08:16.133 --> 01:08:19.000 (indistinct) 1859 01:08:19.000 --> 01:08:21.534 (siren sounds) 1860 01:08:21.534 --> 01:08:22.634 [Bill] well back to doing magic shows 1861 01:08:22.634 --> 01:08:24.133 for bar mitzvahs. 1862 01:08:24.133 --> 01:08:25.000 Alert! 1863 01:08:25.000 --> 01:08:30.167 Alert! 1864 01:08:30.167 --> 01:08:31.634 [Mike] Footage borrowed from 1865 01:08:31.634 --> 01:08:35.734 a Greg Kinn music video circa 1985. 1866 01:08:35.734 --> 01:08:38.467 (sirens sounds) 1867 01:08:38.467 --> 01:08:40.400 [Kevin] Good thing I wore my 1868 01:08:40.400 --> 01:08:42.033 sneaking boots and stealth bra today 1869 01:08:42.033 --> 01:08:46.601 (siren sounds) 1870 01:08:46.601 --> 01:08:50.801 * * 1871 01:08:50.801 --> 01:08:53.067 [Bill] Ahh yahh gennn! 1872 01:08:53.067 --> 01:08:58.000 * * 1873 01:08:58.000 --> 01:08:59.300 [Mike] Wow when she said she'd kill 1874 01:08:59.300 --> 01:09:01.801 for those earrings she wasn't kidding 1875 01:09:01.801 --> 01:09:05.000 * * 1876 01:09:05.000 --> 01:09:09.334 [Kevin] Ah ha mint underpants! 1877 01:09:09.334 --> 01:09:13.400 [Bill] didn't she pull those out earlier 1878 01:09:13.400 --> 01:09:14.400 You know if you really 1879 01:09:14.400 --> 01:09:16.400 came down I knew you would take me. 1880 01:09:16.400 --> 01:09:17.334 You've got a big mouth 1881 01:09:17.334 --> 01:09:19.400 We've got to get out of here. 1882 01:09:19.400 --> 01:09:21.367 Otherwise all hell's gonna break loose. 1883 01:09:21.367 --> 01:09:23.100 Not yet 1884 01:09:23.100 --> 01:09:24.934 I got a hundred grand laying around 1885 01:09:24.934 --> 01:09:26.400 someplace if he's still alive. 1886 01:09:26.400 --> 01:09:28.000 Who is it? 1887 01:09:28.000 --> 01:09:28.801 The jai alai player 1888 01:09:28.801 --> 01:09:29.901 Grab the machine gun. 1889 01:09:29.901 --> 01:09:30.934 In an emergency operation he's the one. 1890 01:09:30.934 --> 01:09:32.267 Lead the way 1891 01:09:32.267 --> 01:09:33.467 [Bill] any of that make sense to you? 1892 01:09:33.467 --> 01:09:34.901 [Mike] Doesn't matter, lead the way 1893 01:09:34.901 --> 01:09:38.000 (sirens) 1894 01:09:38.000 --> 01:09:39.968 [Kevin] Give me that 1895 01:09:39.968 --> 01:09:42.267 (sirens) 1896 01:09:42.267 --> 01:09:46.000 * * 1897 01:09:46.000 --> 01:09:47.934 [Mike] It's safer this way honey, me fully armed 1898 01:09:47.934 --> 01:09:53.000 you essentially bottomless 1899 01:09:53.000 --> 01:09:57.400 [Kevin] Bienvenue 1900 01:09:57.400 --> 01:09:59.334 Welcome! 1901 01:09:59.334 --> 01:10:02.934 * * 1902 01:10:02.934 --> 01:10:03.801 He's dead. 1903 01:10:03.801 --> 01:10:06.667 [Bill] I knew that CATHY!! 1904 01:10:06.667 --> 01:10:10.868 Leave me, 1905 01:10:10.868 --> 01:10:13.367 [Kevin] Stick this on the hibachi. 1906 01:10:20.167 --> 01:10:21.501 [Mike] Well at least I still have one 1907 01:10:21.501 --> 01:10:23.601 in the fridge for the holidays 1908 01:10:33.267 --> 01:10:34.501 [Kevin] There's her problem she 1909 01:10:34.501 --> 01:10:35.367 couldn't see for all 1910 01:10:35.367 --> 01:10:40.901 the snot! 1911 01:10:40.901 --> 01:10:42.901 * *shots fire) 1912 01:10:42.901 --> 01:10:43.934 [Bill] I'm not clear 1913 01:10:43.934 --> 01:10:46.601 (shots fire) what I'm dying for?? 1914 01:10:46.601 --> 01:10:49.934 (shots fire) 1915 01:10:49.934 --> 01:10:54.033 [Mike] wow she really hates colored liquids. 1916 01:10:54.033 --> 01:10:56.367 [Kevin] and giblets! 1917 01:10:56.367 --> 01:11:01.567 (shots fire) 1918 01:11:01.567 --> 01:11:02.801 [Bill] Thank you for taking charge 1919 01:11:02.801 --> 01:11:04.100 I was so afraid when I killed three 1920 01:11:04.100 --> 01:11:05.901 guards to rescue you 1921 01:11:05.901 --> 01:11:07.801 [Mike] Just keep your legs out of the way 1922 01:11:07.801 --> 01:11:13.901 * * 1923 01:11:13.901 --> 01:11:14.934 (shots fire) 1924 01:11:14.934 --> 01:11:17.067 [Mike] We're terrible hench women!! 1925 01:11:17.067 --> 01:11:20.934 * * 1926 01:11:20.934 --> 01:11:25.767 (sirens) 1927 01:11:25.767 --> 01:11:27.133 [Kevin] wow just think about 1928 01:11:27.133 --> 01:11:28.601 the collective amount of chafing 1929 01:11:28.601 --> 01:11:30.000 that's going on right now 1930 01:11:30.000 --> 01:11:35.200 [Bill] Ah enough about chafing huh? 1931 01:11:35.200 --> 01:11:37.000 * *[Mike] Okay if I stay alive 1932 01:11:37.000 --> 01:11:41.567 be cool (indistinct) 1933 01:11:41.567 --> 01:11:48.133 (shots fire) 1934 01:11:48.133 --> 01:11:49.267 [Kevin] okay admit it 1935 01:11:49.267 --> 01:11:50.334 I know you're bringing me to a 1936 01:11:50.334 --> 01:11:51.868 surprise party right? 1937 01:11:51.868 --> 01:11:53.467 Come on everybody I'm wise! 1938 01:11:53.467 --> 01:11:56.133 You nuts! ha ha 1939 01:11:56.133 --> 01:12:04.133 * * 1940 01:12:05.300 --> 01:12:06.501 [Bill] If I grab your butt it's because 1941 01:12:06.501 --> 01:12:08.400 i'm blindfolded and disoriented okay? 1942 01:12:08.400 --> 01:12:14.200 * * 1943 01:12:14.200 --> 01:12:15.133 [Mike] He didn't notice me 1944 01:12:15.133 --> 01:12:17.968 taking a dump back there damn 1945 01:12:17.968 --> 01:12:22.400 * * 1946 01:12:22.400 --> 01:12:24.067 [Kevin] He's due on the set 1947 01:12:24.067 --> 01:12:25.501 of a Filipino Austin Powers 1948 01:12:25.501 --> 01:12:27.801 rip off in twenty minutes 1949 01:12:27.801 --> 01:12:35.734 * * 1950 01:12:36.767 --> 01:12:37.968 [Bill] Kiss really loses 1951 01:12:37.968 --> 01:12:40.801 something without the Kabuki makeup 1952 01:12:40.801 --> 01:12:45.801 * * 1953 01:12:45.801 --> 01:12:47.067 [Mike] I would consider this escape 1954 01:12:47.067 --> 01:12:48.367 an utter failure if they 1955 01:12:48.367 --> 01:12:49.534 don't find some way to 1956 01:12:49.534 --> 01:12:50.767 destroy at least one 1957 01:12:50.767 --> 01:12:53.133 innocent chicken on a stick 1958 01:12:53.133 --> 01:12:56.200 (shots fire) 1959 01:12:56.200 --> 01:12:57.100 [Kevin] Exactly how it went 1960 01:12:57.100 --> 01:12:58.033 when I freaked out and tried 1961 01:12:58.033 --> 01:12:59.000 to escape the enchanted 1962 01:12:59.000 --> 01:13:01.968 Tiki Room at Disneyland 1963 01:13:01.968 --> 01:13:05.067 (shots fire) 1964 01:13:05.067 --> 01:13:06.133 [Bill] Ah must have been a member of the 1965 01:13:06.133 --> 01:13:07.901 Detroit Pistons 1966 01:13:07.901 --> 01:13:13.133 * * 1967 01:13:13.133 --> 01:13:13.868 [Mike] Whoever had 1968 01:13:13.868 --> 01:13:14.601 the guts to go for the 1969 01:13:14.601 --> 01:13:20.000 full tonture 1970 01:13:20.000 --> 01:13:22.467 [Kevin] My cane 1971 01:13:22.467 --> 01:13:30.400 is hilarious! 1972 01:13:31.701 --> 01:13:36.767 [Bill] Is this movie kind of stupid? 1973 01:13:36.767 --> 01:13:39.133 [Mike] I gently prick you to death 1974 01:13:39.133 --> 01:13:44.033 * * 1975 01:13:44.033 --> 01:13:47.033 [Kevin] Ha ha come to papa baby 1976 01:13:47.033 --> 01:13:48.033 I got the weird looking one? 1977 01:13:48.033 --> 01:13:51.667 AH Gross!! 1978 01:13:51.667 --> 01:13:56.300 (shot fires) 1979 01:13:56.300 --> 01:13:57.601 [Mike] A lot of people sure did 1980 01:13:57.601 --> 01:14:00.133 die in a hail of bullets just now 1981 01:14:00.133 --> 01:14:06.000 Wonder who's on Fallon tonight? 1982 01:14:06.000 --> 01:14:06.868 [Mike] Hey you're uh 1983 01:14:06.868 --> 01:14:07.801 you're getting my crotch 1984 01:14:07.801 --> 01:14:08.534 right guys? 1985 01:14:08.534 --> 01:14:10.434 My crotch on camera ? 1986 01:14:10.434 --> 01:14:14.534 Yeah? 1987 01:14:14.534 --> 01:14:15.467 [Kevin] Oh sweet! 1988 01:14:15.467 --> 01:14:16.400 Free colostomy bags! 1989 01:14:16.400 --> 01:14:19.601 Hey you never know?! 1990 01:14:19.601 --> 01:14:25.868 (siren sounds) 1991 01:14:25.868 --> 01:14:28.067 He's unharmed Mr Harbor 1992 01:14:28.067 --> 01:14:28.868 [Bill] I will not give 1993 01:14:28.868 --> 01:14:30.801 up my favorite decoration. 1994 01:14:30.801 --> 01:14:31.634 I like jai alai 1995 01:14:31.634 --> 01:14:35.167 guy where he is! 1996 01:14:35.167 --> 01:14:36.834 That will do you no good. 1997 01:14:36.834 --> 01:14:39.501 The glass is armoured it's bullet proof 1998 01:14:39.501 --> 01:14:40.701 [Mike] I trust you entirely 1999 01:14:40.701 --> 01:14:44.534 powermad super villain 2000 01:14:44.534 --> 01:14:45.834 Listen lady aren't you a 2001 01:14:45.834 --> 01:14:46.868 little tired of playing God? 2002 01:14:46.868 --> 01:14:47.834 [Kevin] something Oprah's assistant 2003 01:14:47.834 --> 01:14:49.601 asks her every day. 2004 01:14:49.601 --> 01:14:51.467 Just remember like all great minds 2005 01:14:51.467 --> 01:14:54.067 we cannot avoid our destiny. 2006 01:14:54.067 --> 01:14:56.701 Goodbye Mr Harbor 2007 01:14:56.701 --> 01:14:58.100 [Bill] So she was a giant 2008 01:14:58.100 --> 01:15:00.934 sack of flour all along! 2009 01:15:00.934 --> 01:15:02.934 Explains a lot. 2010 01:15:02.934 --> 01:15:07.400 Come on kid let's go home. 2011 01:15:07.400 --> 01:15:08.267 [Mike] Obviously bringing 2012 01:15:08.267 --> 01:15:09.400 you out of this stage is a 2013 01:15:09.400 --> 01:15:12.167 delicate process so we have to be masculine 2014 01:15:12.167 --> 01:15:18.834 * * 2015 01:15:18.834 --> 01:15:20.400 [Kevin] mmmmmm now this puts the hot 2016 01:15:20.400 --> 01:15:23.968 jai lai into hi I likey what I see!! 2017 01:15:23.968 --> 01:15:25.834 He he 2018 01:15:25.834 --> 01:15:27.434 Sorry just trying something guys. 2019 01:15:27.434 --> 01:15:28.601 Gotta work on my 1960s purr skills 2020 01:15:28.601 --> 01:15:31.033 [Bill] Yeah you do. 2021 01:15:31.033 --> 01:15:34.167 * * 2022 01:15:34.167 --> 01:15:38.901 [Mike] ah poolside vodka! 2023 01:15:38.901 --> 01:15:39.968 That takes me back 2024 01:15:39.968 --> 01:15:41.601 to my days as a lifeguard. 2025 01:15:41.601 --> 01:15:48.667 And a lengthy trial that followed. 2026 01:15:48.667 --> 01:15:49.634 [Kevin] you know I get it, 2027 01:15:49.634 --> 01:15:50.734 It's called Wonder Women because I 2028 01:15:50.734 --> 01:15:52.067 wonder why any women would 2029 01:15:52.067 --> 01:15:53.968 agree to be in it?! 2030 01:15:53.968 --> 01:15:57.367 * * 2031 01:15:57.367 --> 01:16:00.934 [Bill] Becaru's brother--Jeeves Sulu! 2032 01:16:00.934 --> 01:16:04.734 * * 2033 01:16:04.734 --> 01:16:05.667 [Mike] There's another dead possum 2034 01:16:05.667 --> 01:16:09.567 clogging the pool filter. 2035 01:16:09.567 --> 01:16:12.100 You suit yourself. but it's true. 2036 01:16:12.100 --> 01:16:14.267 Lloyds of london won't believe it either. 2037 01:16:14.267 --> 01:16:15.601 Lorenzo it doesn't matter. 2038 01:16:15.601 --> 01:16:16.367 [Kevin] Uh the servant made 2039 01:16:16.367 --> 01:16:17.367 eye contact with me 2040 01:16:17.367 --> 01:16:19.367 Have him destroyed. 2041 01:16:19.367 --> 01:16:21.067 What's his name-the jai alai 2042 01:16:21.067 --> 01:16:22.434 player back in one piece. 2043 01:16:22.434 --> 01:16:24.067 All I want is my check for $160,000. 2044 01:16:24.067 --> 01:16:25.133 [Bill] this might have been a Terry 2045 01:16:25.133 --> 01:16:27.300 Silver origin story all along. 2046 01:16:27.300 --> 01:16:28.100 After all it's not every day 2047 01:16:28.100 --> 01:16:29.033 we can save the company a 2048 01:16:29.033 --> 01:16:30.767 half million dollars. 2049 01:16:30.767 --> 01:16:33.767 That is with certain large deductions. 2050 01:16:33.767 --> 01:16:34.767 [Mike] Four thousand dollars for 2051 01:16:34.767 --> 01:16:37.367 hotel room adult channels? 2052 01:16:37.367 --> 01:16:41.167 Get help man! 2053 01:16:41.167 --> 01:16:42.968 Here you are. 2054 01:16:42.968 --> 01:16:44.200 I'm sure it's gonna 2055 01:16:44.200 --> 01:16:45.334 be put to all kinds of 2056 01:16:45.334 --> 01:16:46.634 good use. 2057 01:16:46.634 --> 01:16:48.467 [Kevin] Hey I have a Ph.d. in 2058 01:16:48.467 --> 01:16:49.868 astrophysics quit leering at me! 2059 01:16:49.868 --> 01:16:51.701 You know they're expecting you in Rome? 2060 01:16:51.701 --> 01:16:52.767 Sorry 2061 01:16:52.767 --> 01:16:54.334 You promised them you'd meet them there. 2062 01:16:54.334 --> 01:16:56.901 Postpone it. 2063 01:16:56.901 --> 01:16:58.300 I'm gonna take a vacation. 2064 01:16:58.300 --> 01:16:59.834 A very long vacation. 2065 01:16:59.834 --> 01:17:00.968 [Kevin] and I may spend all of it 2066 01:17:00.968 --> 01:17:04.000 in my aunt's bathrobe. 2067 01:17:04.000 --> 01:17:05.968 You know it's gonna cost my company 2068 01:17:05.968 --> 01:17:06.868 five million dollars if those jewels 2069 01:17:06.868 --> 01:17:08.133 are not recovered? 2070 01:17:08.133 --> 01:17:09.400 Why it's the crime of the century. 2071 01:17:09.400 --> 01:17:10.601 [Mike] makes the great muppet caper look 2072 01:17:10.601 --> 01:17:11.934 like a mere average muppet caper! 2073 01:17:11.934 --> 01:17:13.334 Genius to solve it! 2074 01:17:13.334 --> 01:17:16.000 Sorry. 2075 01:17:16.000 --> 01:17:17.667 I figure it's gonna take me 2076 01:17:17.667 --> 01:17:19.267 two maybe three 2077 01:17:19.267 --> 01:17:21.033 [Kevin] Viagras? 2078 01:17:21.033 --> 01:17:21.868 Three weeks to get 2079 01:17:21.868 --> 01:17:23.701 my strength back 2080 01:17:23.701 --> 01:17:24.934 Mike I'm prepared to offer you-- 2081 01:17:24.934 --> 01:17:25.934 Lorenzo! 2082 01:17:25.934 --> 01:17:27.067 [Kevin] go back to your oil. 2083 01:17:27.067 --> 01:17:27.868 It's a proposition that's 2084 01:17:27.868 --> 01:17:30.167 too good to turn down. 2085 01:17:30.167 --> 01:17:31.501 Number two houseboy. 2086 01:17:31.501 --> 01:17:32.834 Will you show our guest out? 2087 01:17:32.834 --> 01:17:34.067 [Mike] Houseboy number one is taking a 2088 01:17:34.067 --> 01:17:36.000 house boy number two. 2089 01:17:36.000 --> 01:17:37.901 I'll tell him I tried. 2090 01:17:37.901 --> 01:17:40.434 Two weeks? 2091 01:17:40.434 --> 01:17:42.133 [Kevin] As unequivocally 2092 01:17:42.133 --> 01:17:46.400 stated less than twenty seconds ago. 2093 01:17:46.400 --> 01:17:49.300 Mike I hope I'm worth it? 2094 01:17:49.300 --> 01:17:50.400 Oh well money can't 2095 01:17:50.400 --> 01:17:51.734 buy everything. 2096 01:17:51.734 --> 01:17:52.501 But he did say it was 2097 01:17:52.501 --> 01:17:54.100 the crime of the century. 2098 01:17:54.100 --> 01:17:55.234 [Bill] Crime of the century was 2099 01:17:55.234 --> 01:17:57.767 whatever her acting coach charged her! 2100 01:18:01.734 --> 01:18:02.767 [Mike] Will you teach me to 2101 01:18:02.767 --> 01:18:04.834 play harder checkers? 2102 01:18:04.834 --> 01:18:07.567 Do you play well? 2103 01:18:07.567 --> 01:18:08.667 Well Bobby Fisher we're 2104 01:18:08.667 --> 01:18:11.167 masters of the game of chess. 2105 01:18:11.167 --> 01:18:14.167 [Kevin] then he found out my mom was Jewish 2106 01:18:14.167 --> 01:18:16.234 If you want. 2107 01:18:16.234 --> 01:18:18.133 Yes I want. 2108 01:18:18.133 --> 01:18:22.667 [Mike]Check... Mate! (Kevin laughs) 2109 01:18:22.667 --> 01:18:25.534 It's your move. 2110 01:18:25.534 --> 01:18:26.667 [Mike] Doesn't white traditionally go 2111 01:18:26.667 --> 01:18:27.400 first? 2112 01:18:27.400 --> 01:18:29.000 [Kevin] Don't ruin my 2113 01:18:29.000 --> 01:18:31.834 sleazy banter ehhhh 2114 01:18:31.834 --> 01:18:39.834 * *[Bill] That can't be good for his self esteem! 2115 01:18:41.801 --> 01:18:43.968 [Mike] What happened to this one's horsey? 2116 01:18:43.968 --> 01:18:45.901 [Kevin] Well he never had one 2117 01:18:45.901 --> 01:18:47.901 [Mike] What sound does this one make? 2118 01:18:47.901 --> 01:18:49.334 [Mike] I'm scared of the castles 2119 01:18:49.334 --> 01:18:50.501 you take mine 2120 01:18:50.501 --> 01:18:54.000 [Kevin] Okay we're playing go fish 2121 01:18:54.000 --> 01:18:55.133 [Kevin] Gary Kasparov tried the same 2122 01:18:55.133 --> 01:18:57.767 seduction technique against deep blue 2123 01:18:57.767 --> 01:18:59.200 [Bill] please don't say deep or 2124 01:18:59.200 --> 01:19:02.701 blue while she's doing that. 2125 01:19:02.701 --> 01:19:04.167 [Mike] Good thing they're not playing Monopoly 2126 01:19:04.167 --> 01:19:05.267 It would be a lot less sexy 2127 01:19:05.267 --> 01:19:06.200 if she was rubbing marvin 2128 01:19:06.200 --> 01:19:08.400 gardens on her lips 2129 01:19:08.400 --> 01:19:12.934 * * 2130 01:19:12.934 --> 01:19:13.767 [Kevin] Should have known something 2131 01:19:13.767 --> 01:19:15.133 was up when her EHarmony 2132 01:19:15.133 --> 01:19:22.834 profile just said "duuuhhhhhhh" 2133 01:19:22.834 --> 01:19:24.868 [Mike] ah Blumenfeld's gambit! 2134 01:19:24.868 --> 01:19:26.501 Very clever madam! 2135 01:19:26.501 --> 01:19:33.634 Allow me to counter with my penis! 2136 01:19:33.634 --> 01:19:35.567 [Mike] She's Kristen Stewart in a blonde wig 2137 01:19:35.567 --> 01:19:37.701 isn't she? 2138 01:19:37.701 --> 01:19:41.267 [Kevin] this is much sexier than the time 2139 01:19:41.267 --> 01:19:43.167 he played houseboy number 2140 01:19:43.167 --> 01:19:50.467 two in bikini chess! ** 2141 01:19:50.467 --> 01:19:52.968 [Kevin] (laughs) Nothing there! 2142 01:19:52.968 --> 01:19:56.534 * * 2143 01:19:56.534 --> 01:19:57.968 [Mike] mmm oh yeah the way you repelled 2144 01:19:57.968 --> 01:20:00.868 Punziani's opening with the Karadon 2145 01:20:00.868 --> 01:20:06.501 defenses gets me so hot baby ehhhh 2146 01:20:06.501 --> 01:20:08.567 [Kevin] Don't think about that 2147 01:20:08.567 --> 01:20:09.667 weird tail at the market. 2148 01:20:09.667 --> 01:20:11.100 You don't want to imagine it writhing 2149 01:20:11.100 --> 01:20:13.734 over your mouth and down your throat 2150 01:20:13.734 --> 01:20:15.267 Oh God. 2151 01:20:15.267 --> 01:20:20.334 * * 2152 01:20:20.334 --> 01:20:21.467 [Bill] this happens to me every time 2153 01:20:21.467 --> 01:20:23.634 I play settlers of catan. 2154 01:20:23.634 --> 01:20:24.501 I find the 2155 01:20:24.501 --> 01:20:25.400 act of trading sheep 2156 01:20:25.400 --> 01:20:27.434 for bricks very erotic. 2157 01:20:27.434 --> 01:20:31.801 I make no apologies!! 2158 01:20:31.801 --> 01:20:33.167 (gong sounds) 2159 01:20:33.167 --> 01:20:34.801 [Kevin] Your gong works!! 2160 01:20:34.801 --> 01:20:39.534 * * 2161 01:20:39.534 --> 01:20:40.801 [Bill] Yeah we've been standing 2162 01:20:40.801 --> 01:20:44.534 here for forty minutes 2163 01:20:44.534 --> 01:20:51.000 [Mike] Erghhhhhhhhh 2164 01:20:51.000 --> 01:20:53.667 [Mike] LLLLLLLLL..... 2165 01:20:53.667 --> 01:20:59.033 * * 2166 01:20:59.033 --> 01:21:00.801 Ladies....... 2167 01:21:00.801 --> 01:21:02.334 Goodbye Mr Harbor. 2168 01:21:02.334 --> 01:21:03.834 Like all great minds we cannot 2169 01:21:03.834 --> 01:21:05.634 avoid our destiny 2170 01:21:05.634 --> 01:21:07.267 [Kevin] Yes this was a tale 2171 01:21:07.267 --> 01:21:08.467 of great minds! 2172 01:21:08.467 --> 01:21:10.167 [Mike] Yes indeed 2173 01:21:10.167 --> 01:21:12.968 * * 2174 01:21:12.968 --> 01:21:14.000 [Bill] the Wonder Women will return in 2175 01:21:14.000 --> 01:21:15.767 the shifts at various small 2176 01:21:15.767 --> 01:21:16.868 markets Hooter's restaurants 2177 01:21:16.868 --> 01:21:19.334 over the year 2178 01:21:19.334 --> 01:21:20.167 [Mike] Thanks for joining us 2179 01:21:20.167 --> 01:21:21.200 today folks for a 2180 01:21:21.200 --> 01:21:22.934 delightful romp of a movie where 2181 01:21:22.934 --> 01:21:25.200 many many people and animals 2182 01:21:25.200 --> 01:21:26.801 died horribly 2183 01:21:26.801 --> 01:21:28.200 [Bill] Fortunately at least a few 2184 01:21:28.200 --> 01:21:29.634 of them were actors 2185 01:21:29.634 --> 01:21:30.968 [Kevin] and before we wok a chick on 2186 01:21:30.968 --> 01:21:33.267 our last wok a chick we'd like to remind you 2187 01:21:33.267 --> 01:21:34.567 that we're a tiny independent 2188 01:21:34.567 --> 01:21:36.734 company that relies on our customers to keep 2189 01:21:36.734 --> 01:21:38.901 making the thing that you enjoy! 2190 01:21:38.901 --> 01:21:40.234 [Bill] so wait we're not a 2191 01:21:40.234 --> 01:21:42.234 division of comglomco 2192 01:21:42.234 --> 01:21:43.234 incorporated? 2193 01:21:43.234 --> 01:21:44.234 [Mike] No no so if you got handed 2194 01:21:44.234 --> 01:21:45.367 this Rifftrax by a stranger 2195 01:21:45.367 --> 01:21:46.801 at a cock fight or it slithered 2196 01:21:46.801 --> 01:21:49.667 by you on the street at a crowded market 2197 01:21:49.667 --> 01:21:51.467 or if you lost consciousness 2198 01:21:51.467 --> 01:21:53.200 when you woke up a sinister 2199 01:21:53.200 --> 01:21:54.968 female doctor has implanted 2200 01:21:54.968 --> 01:21:57.033 it directly in your brain please 2201 01:21:57.033 --> 01:21:59.734 head to Rifftrax.com/donate 2202 01:21:59.734 --> 01:22:01.467 and chip in your fair share! 2203 01:22:01.467 --> 01:22:02.601 [Kevin] It's what that horrible 2204 01:22:02.601 --> 01:22:03.968 tail thing would want 2205 01:22:03.968 --> 01:22:06.534 Bye! 2206 01:22:06.534 --> 01:22:08.601 [Mike] say no to legs! 2207 01:22:08.601 --> 01:22:12.000 * * 2208 01:22:12.000 --> 01:22:14.834 * * 2209 01:22:14.834 --> 01:22:19.767 * * 2210 01:22:19.767 --> 01:22:22.968 * * 2211 01:22:22.968 --> 01:22:23.400 * *