The Amazing Bulk

For years, people have been asking us to riff The Amazing Bulk. And for years, we have hidden under a bed hoping those people won’t find us.

Well, at last, it’s happened. The big purple grainy digital hand of The Bulk has smashed our hiding place. It’s infamous, it’s unbelievable - but decidedly NOT Incredible - it’s The Amazing Bulk!

How to describe this movie? First of all, it may not be a “movie.” It seems like it was assembled by pressing “random shuffle” on a piece of video software from the '90s, then pouring the results into a blender with a “superhero movie” button. The core premise may sound familiar: a scientist becomes a giant colorful monster after a lab accident, complicating his relationship with his girlfriend, whose father is an Army general who wants him destroyed.

And, of course, there is a maniacal supervillain with a vaguely European accent and a monocle. Sounds simple enough! The twist is, all of these characters inhabit some forgotten back corner of the uncanny valley. Their entire world, from the cars to the furniture to the monkeys to the leprechaun - yes, there is a leprechaun - looks to be made from low-resolution screensavers downloaded via Limewire twenty-five years ago. Even the chairs are fake. The chairs!

Few movies will make you say “oh my God” as many times per minute as this one. It must be seen to be believed, and it’s best seen with the help of Mike, Kevin, and Bill. Join them in the nether realms of a special digital hell called The Amazing Bulk!  

Written by: Mike Nelson, Conor Lastowka, Sean Thomason, Jason Miller, and Zach Shatzer

Digital Video file formats

Legacy devices (268.79 MB)
Low (418.67 MB)
Medium (759.34 MB)
High (TV) (1.23 GB)
Burnable DVD Image (3.53 GB)

Digital HD Video file formats

Legacy devices (268.79 MB)
Low 360p (418.67 MB)
Medium 360p (759.34 MB)
High TV 480p (1.23 GB)
HD Low 720p (776.38 MB)
HD Medium 720p (1.2 GB)
HD High 1080p (7 GB)
Burnable SD DVD Image (3.53 GB)

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Poster art by Dave Perillo.
Poster art by Dave Perillo.

RiffMeter rating

Average: 9 (80 votes)

Content Rating

Fantasy Violence
Sexual content


Movie Decade

Riffed By

Release date

April 5, 2024


66 minutes
Closed Captions
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