Cylinders! Springs! Processed meat! Flying Saucers! Puppets!
There’s only one place these seemingly unrelated topics can come together in a symphony of pseudo-educational weirdness: a RiffTrax Shorts DVD!
Explore exotic locations such as the Hormel Hide Cellar and the Australian outback! Answer timeless philosophical questions like “Should grownups let four year olds beat the tar out of each other?” Learn the sheer existential horror of a world without springs! And just build some crap out of cardboard tubes.
The Walking Shorts is over two hours of 16mm madness, riffed by Mike, Kevin, and Bill!
Shorts included on this collection:
A Case of Spring Fever
At Your Fingertips: Cylinders
Flying Saucer Mystery
Basic Job Skills: Dealing With Customers
Health: Your Posture
Rediscovery: Puppets
When Should Grown-Ups Stop Fights?
Don't Be a Bloody Idiot
This is Hormel
Something you should know:
Kickstarter 2018 backers at the $100 level and higher got this DVD for FREE!
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Just the Jokes are simply MP3 files which are DRM free and can be enjoyed on any device that can play this common audio format.