Conor Lastowka

Conor Lastowka has worked as a writer for RiffTrax since 2006. In addition to writing jokes about modern blockbusters, old b-movies, and comically outdated educational shorts, he has been a writer-producer on several RiffTrax Live events broadcast nationwide, and performs as the voice of DisembAudio on RiffTrax MP3s.

He is also one of the editors of the blog [Citation Needed] which collects the best of Wikipedia's worst writing. He has co-authored two volumes of [Citation Needed] books riffing on hilariously bad Wikipedia writing, and produced and written a season of podcasts expanding some of the all-time worst Wikipedia entries into skits.

He published his first novel, Gone Whalin' in 2013 and more of his writing and videos can be found on

He lives in San Diego with his wife Lauren.

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