Battlefield Earth

In the year 3000 man is an endangered species, enslaved, severely unshowered, beholden to a cruel alien race fond of dreadlocks and really impractical boots.

Only one man can break the yoke of slavery and lead mankind to victory over their cruel tyranny. And that one man is television character actor Peter MacNicol. Wait – slight error there. Salt of the earth, Peter MacNicol, but it's not him.

Actually, the one man who can break the yoke of slavery and lead mankind to victory is Johnny Goodboy Tyler (Barry Pepper), if you can believe that. Yes, Battlefield Earth, L. Ron Hubbard's epic tale of why you should become a Scientologist splashes* across the big screen in John Travolta's masterful** retelling.

Helping Mr. Travolta along in his masterful retelling are Mike, Kevin Murphy and Bill Corbett. Yes, the MST3K gang is back together in full force to take on the most legendary cinematic blunder since whatever Joel Schumacher's last film was.

*like vomit.

**here "masterful" is used in the sense of "revoltingly, irredeemably noxious"

Due to editing by the studio after the original DVD releases, the MP3 version of this riff will only work with that original DVD release, and not the Blu-ray or streaming versions.

Digital Video file formats

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Poster art by JP
Poster art by JP

RiffMeter rating

Average: 9 (316 votes)

Riffed By

Release date

January 28, 2007


119 minutes
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