The Relaxed Wife + Consuming Women

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The Relaxed Wife

"Today, medical science recognizes, that some folks aren't helped by relaxing exercises. In cases of difficult tension, and nervous apprehension, doctors are now prescribing an ataraxic medicine. It makes those who fear they're about to quit, feel like they're ready to begin, bidding their darkened spirits goodbye, for the calming peace of a cloudless sky. Of all the states throughout this nation, the happiest by far is the state of relaxation. There'll be fewer breakdowns and insomniacs, when more of us have learned to be relaxed. We'll be free to relish the joys of life, no longer tense over daily worries and strife."

A devoted wife teaches her husband the importance of relaxation only to have the narrator prescribe him Atarax.

Bridget and Mary Jo do their very best to go limp all over by flip flopping their hands and drinking coffee. Sit back and relax as they Riff this important message from the fine folks at Pfizer’s.

AND… Just for relaxing you will receive this bonus mini short!

Consuming Women (Women as Consumers)

Today’s Woman. She buys stuff. She buys stuff in a groovy way. If more merchants knew this simple fact then they would understand that they should sell things to woman. This short film teaches them that YES, women are in fact consumers and can, by law, be sold things they want to buy.

Join Bridget and Mary Jo for more adventures in consumerism. Buy your copy of The Relaxed Wife and Consuming Women today!!

Digital Video file formats

The Relaxed Wife - Legacy (54.56 MB)
The Relaxed Wife - Low (89.04 MB)
The Relaxed Wife - Medium (161.99 MB)
The Relaxed Wife - High (TV) (259.46 MB)
Consuming Women - Legacy (15.11 MB)
Consuming Women - Low (24.75 MB)
Consuming Women - Medium (44.84 MB)
Consuming Women - High (TV) (71.75 MB)

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RiffMeter rating

Average: 9.1 (160 votes)

Content Rating


Movie Decade

Release date

July 23, 2015


16 minutes